What Erick had found, was something that could change the fate of humanity and vampire kind alike. He froze momentarily, taking in the information that he had found. "I-I'll be going now..thank you for the lovely conversation." He told Kami. He slowly stepped backwards, orders to kill him were shouted, and the Paladins descended upon him. North might have abandoned him, but he still had his ways. He cloaked and ran while the running was getting good. He ran as fast as his legs and suit could take him, he couldn't die, or this information would be lost. It was for the sake of everything that he lived. The Paladins were fast, he was faster if only slightly. They were tracking him as best they could, 15 seconds left on his cloak. He kept running. Thankfully the behemoths behind him were restricted to melee, he had that much of an advantage. Kami and Ved were thankfully trapped in a shield, if only for a little while longer. He had to act fast, he didn't want to do it, REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT, but he spotted a manhole. He looked back over his shoulder at the charging hulks of metal, and then to manhole. "Fuck it." He shouted, he lifted up the cover and tossed it like a Frisbee at the two. He dove in and continued his sprint. He hoped they couldn't follow him down the small hole, or that they didn't have any explosive charges. "Thank you ever so much for abandoning me. Now, if you could be a friend and find a location to pick me up from, that'd be great. I-I have something that will interest you greatly." He spoke into comms, hoping his was still tapped into Freelances.[@thewizardguy][@Kurai Assassin]