[quote=genghismike]I know. These days they even use Minecraft to teach kids. People can't learn without fun, technology, two fifteen minute breaks and an hour lunch. Ah, the future. My past was so bleak. You must all live it up in your smart phones to make up for the older generations dismal upbringing.[/quote] God this post is a mess. Lemme just point out two things. 1. You're not in an older generation, Gen X ended in the early 80s. You're a Millennial just like I am, deal with it. 2. When I was in public school, I had to write down pages upon pages of notes during class instead of actually practicing the material because printer ink wasn't in the school's budget. They couldn't afford fucking -printer ink-. Just because you hear a single instance of schools using high end technology doesn't mean every school around America is suddenly swimming in cash.