[@Cuccoruler] [@Lmpkio] Gill rolled his eyes again at Boris' rude comment and was wondering if accepting in assisting this case was a good idea since the head of it had an ego about as worse as his manners. "Given that I haven't been briefed in on this murder case, I am going off of almost no knowledge of any previous cases. I hope that maybe you'll give me all of the details on the other murders" he said to Boris with a slightly annoyed tone to his voice. When he heard Boris mention the killer having perfume with the scent of lilacs, Gill morphed his biology to give his sense of smell an ample increase and he too picked up on the sweet odor of Perfume. He didn't object to Ryia giving them a ride up to the roof, but he would have preferred to jump up there himself. Once on the roof Gill looked at the door and saw that it was locked and there wasn't any evidence to suggest that there was any forced entry onto the rooftop, that meant they could be dealing with a murderer with the ability to vanish and reappear. "The only monster that I can think of with these kinds of abilities would be demonic of some kind or at least those with magical abilities. If we have a teleporter as our killer then that will make catching them a whole lot harder. Do we have any measures for apprehending someone with these kinds of powers?" Gill asked Boris. He then inspected the feathers and the blood on the roof. "Such a savage end for someone with a bright career, this killer is truly a sick and twisted mind" he said to them.