[center][h2]Clariel From Cafe La Beignet to Huskers[/h2][/center] Clariel strolled into the cafe like they owned the place, which was not true. The only thing Clariel owned was their house. However, since Clariel had been living in New Orleans their entire life, they had seen many of the businesses rise and fall. Clariel walked up to the counter and gave the cashier a grin. "You know what I want..." Clariel said with a teasing tone. "Hello Clariel, the usual?" The cashier said, making Clariel's grin disappeared. "Why won't you ever play along Maxwell? We could have so much fun," Clariel said, running a finger along his chin, giving a small pout. The cashier stammered for a moment, as Clariel flashed a flirty grin, and picked up the bag of pastries from Maxwell. "Till next time," they said, and blew a kiss to the flustered cashier. On their way out, she gave a wink to Mel as she passed. "Hope to see you later cutie, even if it is your day off," she said, and waved, walking down the street. Clariel had to laugh to herself. She had gotten away with free pastries, and had probably embarrassed one of her coworkers. So far, it was a good morning. She was hoping to make the day better with a little bathroom fun later, once Neffy appeared. As they munched on their pastries, they walked into Huskers and walked over to AJ and planted a teasing kiss on her cheek, not caring that it was in public. "Good to see you so bright and early cutie! I always look forward to working with you. Morning Jackson, shall I get the usual started for you?" Clariel said, giving Jackson a wink. They knew the vampire, not well, but well enough. Of course, she was in trouble with him, since he was one of the vampire head honchos. [@Nallore][@HaleyTheRandom][@HushedWhispers]