The guard who was rammed by Alex grunted, rolling on the ground like a rag doll till he landed on his hands and knees. Growling shoved himself back up, gripping is gun and aiming it at Alex's face. The second guard quickly gripped the barrel and gave him a cool off sign. They were in the middle of kilika, one stray bullet will be the worse scenario. They both looked to their captain as the criminal's spoke. Urick's expression went to shock as Alex rammed the guard, he quickly had stood between the guards and them just as the second guard had gripped the gun. Urick's cuffed hands were up in a non threatening way. He sighed in disgust as he heard Alex AND Nai back talking. Things haven't changed, he felt like he was back five years ago. [color=red]"I'll behave like a good little ***** master if let me carry Nai. Or. You can risk quite a bit of your men going to the hospital. Guarantee you'll take me down with how much you outnumber me, but I'll take quite a few with me."[/color] [color=6ecff6]“What did you say just now? Did you just threaten my friends!? Because of that bastard who threw that rock?! Yeah… shall I remind this town what happened before the last eternal calm!? HURT EVEN ONE OF MY FRIENDS AND THERE SHALL BE NO ONE LEFT IN THIS PLACE TO REGRET IT!!!”[/color] Lenora watched as the redhead blatantly grabbed Naisha from one of her men, proceeded to sass her, and watched as the mage began to threaten her. The authoritative figure only slowly smirked as she crossed her arms, tapping her finger against her appendage as her eyes flicked back and forth between the two. Oh this was too fucking good. The Guards smiled at seeing their captain did this. They knew what was to come, and frankly, the one with the gun was grinning even more so as he was the one assaulted by the tall redhead. "Now you are gunna get it, you stupid broad. Captain Lenora is not as forgiving as my friend here." Urick was looking to the guards and the captain wondering what was going to happen, he took a few steps back towards Alex and Nai to calm them, but then Braska had to start shouting. "Nai. ENOUGH! Antagonizing will not help in this situation. Quiet yourself.....for now." Braska eyes moved toward Alex next, "Keep Nai close to you but you also need to calm down. We aren't in the best predicament." Braska turned his head back to the forces that looked to capture the group. "You listen here. You wanted me, lady. Then my friends transition to your prison smoothly. No harm whatsoever and lighten up." Lenora looked at Braska and blushed when he approached. However, she half closed her eyes as he demanded their friends be treated with respect. Urick looked at Braska like he was an idiot, why was he doing this? "Sorry darling," She explained, her voice rather placid as she closed her eyes. "What I'm about to do next is completely protocol. With threat's against the citizens of Kilika and the attack on one of my men, I am in total justification of what I am about to do... And besides..." As she talked, she moved her hands forward, her voice surprisingly... relaxed. Both of her hands were covered in thick, iron gauntlets not unlike the one that Urick wore. The exception in their appearance dealt with an electric blue line running down the palm and digits with a myriad of buttons on the wrist, which she was pressing now whilst nodding for a guard to get Braska out of the way. The one guard with the massive sword moved forward and pulled Braska back with an arm around his neck, quickly giving Lenora plenty of room. But he quickly let Braska go...fearing that he would suffer some sort of punishment from his captain. The buttons being pushed now, there was a sparking sound from the gloves... and then... with a sound of thunder, lightning erupted from the iron gauntlets, crackling the air with blue zig-zagged line all around her. The amount of static given off of the weapons were so intense that it blasted the Captain's long hair back in the force. She looked up with a twisted grin at the redhead who [i]dared[/i] oppose her as she held the dark haired mage. [color=lightseagreen][b]"NOW THEY'VE PISSED ME OFF!"[/b][/color] Urick moved in between Lenora and his friends, Trying to raise his hands to calm the woman. "Please! Don..... GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" His hands had gotten to close and the electricity jumped from her gauntlets to his. Tensing his entire body as he fell to his knee forcing himself to grit through the pain of all the voltage coursing through him. He couldn't breath, But calming himself and gritting the pain, he closed his eyes and forced a breath of air out as he went into a semi meditative state, which caused the pain to mostly dissipate. However, it took some major concentration. Captain Lenora didn't even spare the large islander a glance as a strike of lightning from her gauntlets hit her boots. The iron boots looked similar in design to her gauntlets and upon being electrified, glowed blue. The Captain took a single step forward... and appeared again in front of Alex, as though phasing from thin air. Her eyes were wild and wide as she swung her hand forward in a claw-shape, piercing the redhead's skin just below where the amazon's armor ended and her shorts began. Piercing the skin with the sharp, claw tips of the gauntlets, the thousands of volts of electricity shot through the red head, all around the two women the air cracked with intense electricity.... Then it was over. The electricity faded away and the redhead wound be instantly knocked out from the lightning that had just been pumped directly into her veins. As she fell, so too did the loudmouth mage that had threatened the end of the eternal calm. Lenora grinned sickly as her heel came off the ground and soared towards the mage. [color=lightseagreen]"And I haven't forgotten about... YOU!"[/color] She slammed her the her iron-clad heel against the mage's gut as she fell, kicking her with such force that it punted the dark haired woman a yard away from her fallen amazon friend. Captain Lenora smirked, her hands on her hips as she let out a chuckle in her throat. [color=lightseagreen]"You dangerous criminals..."[/color] The ruthless captain grinned widely as she tilted her head back. [color=lightseagreen]"Are under arrest by the Kilika Division of the Youth League."[/color] Urick had managed to stay awake long enough as the electricity passed through him had ended. He had turned groggily, pulling himself out of his semi meditative state to see Alex on the ground and Nai rolling across it. "That..." Urick grunted, "...wasn't necessary." He stood back up, and stumbled over to the unconscious Nai, placing the back of his armored hand in front of her mouth to see if she was still breathing, with the more moist air from her mouth fogging the shine on his gauntlet he sighed in relief. He looked back to Lenora, every fiber in his body wanted to attack her right now. He force himself to calm though. He took a deep breath in as he stood back up and turned to her fully, as if defiantly. Lenora looked to him and bristled as he stood. Her teeth grit and her hand immediately went back to her button-pad, readying another charge. She held out her gauntlet without the digital pad up toward Urick quickly, ready to shock him should he come closer. [color=lightseagreen]"Step back,"[/color] She hissed, [color=lightseagreen]"Or you'll wind up just like them."[/color] Urick took the few steps towards her before she threatened him. Once she did he stopped, then slowly raised his hands as if to show he was giving up, but gripped her hand with his right, squeezing. The metal in her gauntlets squealed in agony from the pressure and the electrical wires in the gauntlet started to spark. Causing the stored electricity to jump onto him again, but it didn't faze him as much as it did before. But he stopped, as soon as the electricity faded, having accomplished his goal of breaking the gauntlet, he lowered his hands and looked down at her. He said nothing, but his eyes showed anger, and restraint. He could have easily crushed her hands, but he didn't only enough to leave a bruise. Lenora had stared in shock as he cracked her gauntlets in his palm... and slowly looked up at him. Her eyes slowly narrowed and the corner of her lip pulled back into a snarl.... before she reared her iron-clad foot back and struck him with a swift kick to the groin. Urick grunted, his mouth opening in a silent yell. He reached down, covering his....manly parts and bent down slightly, but did not fall to his knees. Taking a few breaths he groaned softly lowering his head, almost into the fetal position. Soft groans could be heard from the two guards as well, both were wincing as they covered their parts as well. The unspoken pain of that area was known to all men. After a minute he slowly stood up again. taking slow and controlled breath's he glared at the woman. "Not....Necessary..." He turned his back to her. Lenora responded with a slightly pouty lip and a raised eyebrow as she folded her arms. [color=lightseagreen]"You will be paying for my weapon, foreigner."[/color] She plucked off the now broken gauntlet and flexed her hand painfully as she strode ahead of them. [color=lightseagreen]"You can also have the honor of carrying your... friend over there. Boys, deal with the puny one, won't you?"[/color] Urick bent down and lifted Alex up in his arms. As the guard with the sword picked up Nai and the other aimed his gun at Urick's back. As they started walking, the man whispered, "Sorry mate." As he had great respect for the gentle giant.