Shinsuke sat down in contemplation next to the brook as he took a look around himself. The forest seemed to all blend together to him, which made it difficult to figure out where to go and which way was... Well, the road, for one. It was a tad silly for him to walk this far without any way out, admittedly, and even moreso to just lose himself in the wilderness like he did. "Hm... Maybe an aerial view might do me some good...?" he muttered to himself as Kumie situated itself comfortably on his head. Right. Well, now was as good a time as ever to see how well formerly-wild Pokemon could understand the human language. Carefully taking the Swablu off of his head, Shinsuke sighed and looked it straight in the eyes. "Fly into the sky with Hanzo and see if you can find a road nearby." he stated plainly, placing Kumie on the ground for Hanzo's convenience. The former nodded as it had before, which Shinsuke interpreted as a sign of understanding, as Hanzo climbed on. Though the little Swablu seemed to struggle momentarily, it didn't take long for both of the Pokemon to be completely airborne. It didn't take long, though, for the Swablu's strength to finally give out and bring the both of them plummeting back to the ground. Barely managing to catch the both of them before their faces met the dirt below them, Shinsuke sighed and shook his head. Well, he should've seen [i]that[/i] one coming. "Well... Did you two see anything?" he asked, placing the two Pokemon on the ground. Kumie and Hanzo both seemed to nod, which was, clearly, a good sign. "Alright; if you would, then." With that statement, Hanzo climbed his way onto Shinsuke's right shoulder and pointed off to the side. Nodding, Shinsuke brushed himself off as Kumie perched itself on his left before walking off and following Hanzo's directions. It didn't take long after that; the forest's density began to thin considerably after a few minutes, and a little while later the trio found themselves back on the main road to Mystriver. Convenient enough. "Good job, you two. I'll get you something later." Shinsuke said, slipping his hands into his coat as he began to walk back down the road towards the bridges mentioned by that young assistant from earlier. Well, it was certainly better than wandering about the region aimlessly...