[center][b]Name: [/b] Nicole D'Lacrue Age : 25 Archon of: Earth [/center] [center][hider=Nicole][img]http://cdn.duitang.com/uploads/item/201304/26/20130426201118_THaVR.thumb.600_0.jpeg[/img][/hider][/center] [b][u]Physical Attributes[/u][/b] [b]Apearance:[/b] Nicole has short cropped ebony hair and a rather slender body. She's fairly short with a height of 5'6 and weighing 120 pounds. She has an ever present smirk on her face. An expression that shows pure arrogance. [b]Physical Weaknesses:[/b] Nicole was never one for sports, or anything that involved moving her body strenuously. It was only when her father was murdered did she ever begin to push herself. Thus, she has low stamina and can't handle long fights. Even simple things like running a kilometer drains her energy. She has little, to no upper body strength at all, having a hard time lifting large heavy objects. [b]Physical Strengths:[/b] Nicole has always been quick on her feet. She's got fast reflexes and reaction time. With her father being such a prankster often pulling tricks on her and her mother, she's adapted to his jokes. Other than that, she's not much of a physical fighter. [u][b]Mental Attributes[/b][/u] [b]Personality:[/b] Nicole is sly and cunning. For what she lacks physically, she makes up with intelligence. She's more into the art of deception, lying as if it were just a walk in the park. She loves to keep people in suspense. Hardly ever telling the whole story unless it was of utmost importance. To a degree, she's become manipulative. Wanting to control what she can't, just like her father's death. If she could, she would turn back time and prevent it. [b]Likes:[/b] Jokes, Pranks, Reading, Rain, Music [b]Dislikes:[/b] Liars (ones that can't lie convincingly), Ignorance, Waiting, Exercises [b]Phobias:[/b] Water, most specifically the ocean or any other body of water that could potentially drown her. This is because she doesn't know how to swim nor does she plan to learn. [u][b]Background[/b][/u] [b]Biography:[/b] Nicole's childhood was a happy one. Constantly being played a joke on by her dad, she became quite the trickster just to get back at him. She was clever and often thought on her feet. One could say that her father left a huge impression on her. So, it wasn't a surprise that when her father was murdered, she took a turn for the worse. Her once playful, just for fun manner disappeared. Instead, she became detached and focused herself with her studies and the study on psychology. How a person thinks and what makes them tick. As her own way of trying to find out who had killed her father and how she would act if the oppurtunity arises. She was the type of person who held grudges and her father's murder wasn't something she was going to forgive. [u][b]Combat Information[/b][/u] [b]Typical form of combat:[/b] Melee [b]Preferred Team Role:[/b] Support, she'd rather not get her hands dirty and would stay at the sidelines. [b]Weapon:[/b] Tessen/War Fan [b]Unique Equipment:[/b] Anklet, her family's heirloom.