Gruffydd was mildly frustrated to discover that while he did share a dorm with some of the others—that being Dorm C—he was on a completely different floor. Intellectually, he knew that it was actually great to be in the same building, but Igor's talk of calamities had sent his legend-stuffed brain into overdrive, and couldn't stop thinking of all sorts of reasons why it would be better if they were on the same floor. But to his room he went. He changed out of his uniform, and into something less formal, and more comfortable. He joined a few of his fellow students at the gate and went to see Ms. Sasaki. He had been surprised to find that the Professor there. [color=forestgreen][i]Perhaps,[/i][/color] he thought, [color=forestgreen[i]there is more to him than I had thught. Even if he's still passed out.[/i][/color] [hr] [h3]April 11th / Tuesday / Early Morning[/h3] He rose with the dawn and greeted it with his prayer to Belyn, as was his custom. He took the extra time he had before school to see if he could find any information on these "Personae" online. He could probably just go an ask Igor, and planned to do so, but there was probably different information to be found online than the old entity—and whatever Igor was, Gruffydd was fairly sure he was [i]not[/i] human—would have to say. This, of course, led him to Carl Jung. He recognized the name, but he didn't know where from. Jungian psychology was far, far too complex to take in all at once, what with its talk of the "Colective Unconscious" and "Archetypes," and Gruffydd only just giving it a cursory scan, but the presence of Personae and Shadows convinced him to look into it deeper. He'd have to do it later, though. He had classes, and he was used to having far more time to get ready in the morning than he'd left himself with. [hr] [h3]April 11th / Tuesday / After School[/h3] Gruffydd was not surprised by the cancellation of Geography that day. Ms. Sasaki was prbably still in the hospital, and if the Professor... [color=forestgreen][i]Ah yes, the Professor. That would be the first time I've heard of a hangover lasting for over twelve hours. Either something else was going on, or he has a [b]serious[/b] dinking problem.[/i][/color] These were Gruffydd's thoughts as he entered the Drama room. Looking at him, one might think him ideal for a spot's team, and while he's certainly had fun playing sports in the past, that was playing for the shee enjoyment of it. While he [i]knew[/i] there were exceptions, teams played to [i]win[/i], to the exclusion of everything else, and that killed it for him. There were certainly other places he could go, but why bother? The way you "win" in the Theater is to put on a good show, and you don't manage that without genuinely caring about the material. But there wasn't Drama club today. So why was he there? He had, for reasons that he couldn't exactly have predicted, missed the first meeting. He wasn't part of the club hierarchy, but he had been a member for a-year-and-a-half, and was rather invested in it. So, he wanted to see if he could find someone from the club, and in doing so discover how things had gone. They had gone well. One of the first-years even had half an idea of what they were doing. This good news warming his heart, Gruffydd set out for his real destination for the afternoon: the library. There wasn't too much to study this early in the year, but he had something else on his mind: a man by the name of Carl Jung. [hr] [color=forestgreen][i]The Red Book, huh? Something to look for, then.[/i][/color] Gruffydd was walking down one of the school's man halls, when as he passed of their five nurse's offices, he saw some familiar people out of the corner of his eye: Dai, Kazuo, and Bride. [color=forestgreen]"Hey guys, what are you doing in the nurse's office? Is everything all right?"[/color]