[centre][h1]Virgil[/h1][/centre] [hider=Nemo Altare] [centre][color=0072bc]"Laissez titans de terre et de pierre brûler ressemblent!"[/color][/centre] Name: [color=0072bc]Nemo Altare[/color] Gender: Male Date of Birth: December 23rd, 847 Age: 17 Size: 204cm--5'8" Regiment: 132nd Trainees Regiment [b]Appearance[/b] Description: The boy has black, straight, short length hair--arranged into a neat, combed back style, which he attends to dutifully to ensure it stays that way. When infuriated, or exhausted, his hair will occasionally become a bit messy, branching off into different directions until is it once again placed back into its proper order. His skin is a tanned light brown, his lips are normal sized and darker in complexion, and his nose is straight; his eyes are covered constantly by a large, rather blank-faced pair of dark-shaded glasses with strangely goggle-like rims, and his eyebrows are black and neatly straight. His overall body build is rather average, though he is missing a pinky finger on his left hand. His usual attire is that of whatever uniform the military requires him to wear, and--probably due to a lack of clothes--he will even be seen wearing this on his off-time. When he absolutely FORCED to go without uniform, he can be seen in his black, collared robe, making him look slightly affiliated with the members of the Wall Cult. Oddly enough, the robe does happen to have a ripped out area where a symbol might previously have been stitched... Ancestral Origin: Francais Ancestral Origins Hair Colour: Pitch Black Eye Colour: Unknown, he's always been seen wearing his glasses. Body Type: Average Muscle Build, Average Body Build, weighing in at 89kg--178lb [b]Personality[/b] Description: Nemo is never one to throw himself out in front of others, for attention or dedication. He finds it rather annoying to be nagged on constantly, so he just assumes others would prefer this as well. He'd rather spend his waking hours carrying out a quiet life, with the occasional conversation or reading session. His tone can often be misconstrued as uncaring, or sharp, but in truth, Nemo is simply unable to acknowledge certain things such as love. He does fear losing the respect of those around him, keeping up an almost constant image to ensure this does not happen. If something does happen to startle him, Nemo's second instinctual reaction is to counter with defensive measures...usually resulting in some sort of physical violence. He tends to keep himself hidden behind a visage. Strengths: Nemo has a rather unsettlingly disciplined tongue, which he'll more often than not use to demeanor or abash someone with. He has a clear understanding of both the world and the creatures living within it. Because of this, he is able to understand many things without bias, and is also able to keep his cool in situations that could normally shock or disgust others. He doesn't complain about pain much, which allows him to overcome certain physical limitations in times of need. He also has an uncanny amount of knowledge on the workings of the bodies of animals and humans alike. His bone structure is a bit dense compared to most, causing him to sink when in water but withstand more blows to his skeleton. Weaknesses: His attitude on pain can lead to him stalling short from a lack of energy, as he's never had a very strong heart. He is also rather unsettled by people who think in the same manner as himself, due in part to paranoia. Likes: He prefers the company of others who are "normal", not really minding their age or appearances so long as they're strong of mind. He enjoys a good reading session now and again, and will attempt to read whatever he can find on the history of humanity and the world around him. Altare has had a long-time love affair with deviled eggs and, when he can find a musician capable of striking up a tune, the sound of the violin. Dislikes: When in the company of someone who is rather timid, Nemo finds it rather difficult to restrain himself from assaulting them both physically and morally. He dislikes those with blatantly slow tongues, and finds the pampered to be rather disgusting. He hates chicken livers, calling them "flavorless sewer-food", and will assuredly maul you if you offer him some. The list could go on, but Nemo has never been a big fan of rambling without meaning... Wants: Provided the opportunities approach within reach of him, Nemo would greatly like power, respect, knowledge, and associates of equal standards. Fears: He fears losing the respect of those around him, finding it worthless to live without such a thing. When in the company of the opposite sex, he is always a bit on edge, never really knowing if what he says next will somehow insult them. [b]Background[/b] Description: Due to the nature of his background, Nemo would prefer to keep this secreted away from others. He does happen to slur his words when frustrated though... Birthplace: As a precautionary measure, Nemo constantly changes the stories of his birth, wrapping himself in a warm blanket of lies. His latest is that he was born in Utopia, home to monstrous snow-storms and terrible cold. Family: Again, only those with a file on him will be able to tell who he was born to. Other Affiliates: On occasion, Nemo has mentioned a former friend of his, Marx, whom he appears to have thought of as a sort of brother.[/hider]