Here's Einark's thoughts of each character: Nargesh: Einark respects the she-orcs immense strength and valour at arms, maybe even going as far as to consider her a comrade in the company. His tendency for personal apathy and distance makes them far from close, but many an hour have been shared in the forge and a few times fought side by side. Half-face: Somewhat bemused by the slimmer orc, he recognises the cunning of the scarred orc but considers him as somewhat cowardly due to his tendency for fighting from the back. Being a frontline fighter himself, he sees the Chosen as the best fighters of the company but tolerates his presence due to his worth as a commander in battle, even if he troops needed to be inspired by another Chosen every now and then. Dakgu: Curious about the orc’s innate connection with the warg mounts of the company, he considers the depth of Dakgu’s connection as somewhat amusing but recognises the higher quality of mount produced by the Wargkeeper. Has little to do with the orc personally due to both of their somewhat reclusive nature but bears no malice against him. Grolan: Somewhat dismissive internally due to his spiritual programming to look down upon the tuskless races of the world and their offspring, along with half-breeds perfectly representing the corrupted nature of the other orc tribes. His personal situation has tempered him and kept his thoughts private due to the contradictory nature of them but remains wary of the half-breed. Kavu: Views the quartermaster as somewhat of an oddity among the orcs, recognising his as an advancement on most of the more primal members of his species. Respects his loyalty but questions the extent of his care and speed to react on the battlefield which stands out yet again from the other orcs. Xozu: Somewhat distant from the shaman due to the heresy she preaches compared to the teachings of the pure shamans of the Dead Mountain, he would’ve have long removed her head from her shoulder were it not for his spiritual disconnect. Avoids the witch woman and just tolerates her presence. Rassmata: Sees the orc as an example of an orc that’s been tainted by the tuskless races out there even despite his lighter shade of skin than usual. Views the munitioneer’s eccentricity as mildly amusing and his skill with explosives as highly useful for the company; maybe even a science to try and take back to the Dead Mountain when he achieved his redemption. Bel-Gond: Views the half dwarf with the same disdain as he has for all halfbreeds, he does respect the smaller orcs courage and impact in battle. While he’d not sit down for a chat with him, he’d be more than willing to fight side by side in a circle of enemies. Ungoth: Recognising the man’s skills with medicines and a needle for their immense worth in the company, Einark bears no ill will against the odd little fellow. He puts the cave orc’s madness down to the corruption of the deep and the influence of the tuskless upon him, but views this more as a tragedy rather than any fault of the medic. Rulfim: Contempt swells for her as a half-breed yet once again, kept as restrained from public as possible; he was not supposed to be following those beliefs until he had tusks again. Wary of some of her combat skills along with the potential consequences of pissing her off as many other orcs had found out the hard way, he mostly stays away from the Runt.