[centre][h1]Jasonhero[/h1][/centre] [hider=Ryuu Yuuki] [center][color=0072bc][i]"On this sword, I swear revenge for all who have fallen"[/i][/color] [img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/65342955/large.jpg[/img] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/697a/f/2014/160/c/d/snk_dividers___f2u___links_in_description_by_laauraf-d77qy12.png[/img] [color=0072bc]Name: Ryuu Yuuki Gender: Male Date of Birth: May 21, 849 Age: 15 Size: 5' 9" Regiment: 132nd Trainees Regiment[/color] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/697a/f/2014/160/c/d/snk_dividers___f2u___links_in_description_by_laauraf-d77qy12.png[/img] [h1][b][u][color=ed1c24]Appearance[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [color=0072bc]Description: Standing at 5'9", Ryuu is very well toned and muscular, but certainly not a brawny boy by any standards. He has long, black hair that can fall down into his eyes if not kept in check. He weighs about 160 pounds, and most of that is due to muscle weight; he likes to keep his body fat ratio as low as can be considered healthy. His eyes are a sort of electric blue that seems to captivate those around him when paired with his long dark hair and fair skin complexion. Despite his fair skin complexion, Ryuu does not burn easy; he tans rather quickly instead. He wears a mask with the mouth of a Titan drawn on it; which covers up to his nose most of the time; unless he is around those he is comfortable with, the mask acting as a sort of sign which stated that he would be as ruthless to the Titans as they were to his family. Ancestral Origin: Three Quarters British, One Quarter Japanese Hair Colour: Black Eye Colour: Electric Blue Body Type: Average Height, but well toned.[/color] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/697a/f/2014/160/c/d/snk_dividers___f2u___links_in_description_by_laauraf-d77qy12.png[/img] [h1][b][u][color=ed1c24]Personality[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [color=0072bc]Description: Having become acquainted with his darkest side, Ryuu is often a loner. He would rather be in a small group of close friends, or completely alone than at any social gathering. Ever. He is a man of action, choosing to keep his words and inner feelings to himself most of the time and let his actions do the talking. He has a burning desire to avenge all of those who have fallen, by killing every Titan he ever sees. Ryuu does not show much emotion other than anger, sadness, determination, or (only around his best friends which may be like 2 people or Sage) Happiness and Love. He is highly intelligent and was gifted with excellent reaction times, which help him fight rather well. Ryuu has accepted that death and pain are going to happen, so unless it is happening to somebody he cares about or he has a definitive reason to care for another person's well being; he won't. Ryuu is often the kind of person who one would discover sitting up on a roof or something late at night just to be alone and think, it is how the boy handles his inner pain. He is always very composed unless certain triggers of his are hit, other than that Ryuu will not break composure and seems to be able to take any amount of stress or pressure and remain clam; a talent he tends to pride himself on. He is also very adept at multitasking and managing many things at once; making him a likely candidate to be excellent at 3DMG training and handling. As part of being somebody use to loss as well, Ryuu has certain people (only his best friends and lover) who he will guard unconditionally. Meaning, he will refuse to let any harm come to these people; especially Sage. Strengths: * Preforms well under pressure * Highly Intelligent * Loyal * Quick Judgement Calls Weaknesses: * Doesn't believe in the good in people (Until he is shown the good in a person) * Will take great risks to defend those he is close to * Minor Sociopathy (He can feel all emotions, but they are subdued.) * Unable to become attached to people unless he knows them well * Can be cold towards people * Willing to let other sacrifice themselves if it means the goal is achieved. Likes: * Parkour/3DMG Training * Night * Titans Dying * Thinking Time * Sage Watson Dislikes: * Cowards * Titans NOT dying * People (other than Sage) interrupting his thinking time * Anything that makes Sage slightly unhappy * Time being wasted Wants: * The death of all Titans * To live peacefully outside the wall with Sage * To ensure the safety of Humanity Fears: * Failure * Sage Dying * Being abandoned [/color] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/697a/f/2014/160/c/d/snk_dividers___f2u___links_in_description_by_laauraf-d77qy12.png[/img] [h1][b][u][color=ed1c24]Background[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [color=0072bc]Description: Ryuu's history is a very dark one. He started out living among his family in their happy household near the inside perimeter of Wall Maria; his father a very well known baker in their neighborhood who brought plenty of money in so that Elizabeth could be a stay at home mom and spend her days watching over her children. Ryuu was quite used to hearing his parents talk about what they thought the outside world was like, so it didn't really come as much of a surprise to Ryuu whenever he was told by his parents that they would go on a family trip outside of the wall for a day. Nothing would happen, because Ryuu's father had gotten information that no Titans happened to be in the area they were going to visit. Of course, Ryuu read the excitement in his parents' expressions and couldn't wait to go see beyond the wall. So when the day came and the family all went outside, Ryuu trailing behind holding Lisa's hand while his parents walked side by side and holding onto little Kyle; Ryuu was eager to look around. This eagerness led to events that would forever haunt him. While Ryuu's family was busy gawking into a forest that they had discovered; the boy managed to sneak off to play among some rocks in the field nearby. He was having a great time until he heard sudden screams of terror, and pain. Ryuu sprinted back towards his family just in time to watch as Elizabeth, still clutching little Kyle, was dropped into the mouth of a lumbering 15 meter tall Titan. With a sickening crunch; its mouth closed and blood burst out of its mouth to splash the ground in front of Ryuu. The boy stood there, staring at his father and sister in pure horror as the final screams of Elizabeth echoed deep within his ears. The boy decided he had to save his remaining family somehow, but this thought was quickly killed as the Titan who devoured Elizabeth reached down and snatched both Lisa and Tadashi from their cover. It studied both of them with a hideous grin on its face as if it was genuinely pleased to see the two. Lisa, having noticed Ryuu, shrieked for the boy to run; but he was frozen in place as he watched the fate of his remaining family unfold. The Titan, apparently deciding that the two would serve well as final snack suddenly slammed the two together with such force that Lisa's smaller frame splintered and actually went into that of her father's... as if they become one in their final moment. It was at this time that Lisa's pleas managed to make it from Ryuu's ears to his Brian. He turned to run just as the Titan shoved its new sandwich into its ugly mouth and bit down; splattering their blood enough that some hit the clothes of the boy as he ran. Ryuu ran and ran until he reached the familiar wall again, unsure of exactly why the Titan never caught the boy or even gave chase; but now it didn't matter. Now Ryuu needed to find a place to live and grow until he was strong enough to take the fight to the Titans. To exact revenge upon the bastards who stole his family. It wasn't long after this event that the boy shut down to the outside world save for a select few; all in order to help him cope with the pain of his loss. The boy wandered through the city until he found the home of a friend from school. Sage Watson, a girl who was roughly his age and was always reading. For some reason the boy had managed to make friends with the girl and had been to her house several times. So whenever her parents answered and saw the boy covered in blood and crying about Titans; they gladly took him in. He lived with them for another three years until the unthinkable happened, another Titan attack claimed the lives of two of that family. Ryuu added their names to the list of people who would avenge when he killed the Titans. After Sage's dad passed away the boy took the hand of the girl he had become so close to, looking her deep in the eyes with an expression of pure determination. One that would tell anybody, even this terrified girl that he meant every word he said. Then with a trembling voice he whispered to her: [color=00aeef]"It's just us now Sage, we have to stick together from now on and defend each other. I promise you I won't let any harm come to you ever again."[/color] Birthplace: Shiganshina District Family: * Tadashi Yuuki (Father--Deceased) * Elizabeth Yuuki (Mother--Deceased) * Lisa Yuuki (Older Sister--Deceased) * Kyle Yuuki (Younger Brother--Deceased) Other Afflitiates: * Sage Watson (Childhood Friend and Girlfriend) * Aiden Watson * Mr. and Mrs. Watson[/color] [/center] [/hider]