[centre][h1]RainbowFactory[/h1][/centre] [hider=Caroline Tsuyoi] [This image used is indeed Rainbow's Artwork of the OC as I have checked. I thought it was good so I put it in, sorrrrry ;3;] [hider=Profile] Picture [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/0dfa/f/2015/255/d/b/_aot__caroline_tsuyoi_by_rainbowfactory1227-d971r6u.png[/img] Name: Caroline Tsuyoi Gender: Female Date of Birth: January 16, 848 Age: 16 Size: 5 feet 11 inches/180.34 centimeters Regiment: 132nd Training Regiment [/hider] [hider=Appearance] Description: Most of the time she wears something blue like blue shirts, dresses, and ribbons since that's her favorite color. Almost all the time she will wear a blue ribbon or bow to hold her long hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face; after all, her hair is extremely long and gets messed up easily. Her eyes are also a little thinner and wider than most of the girls she knows, which knocks off her vision a little. Hair Color: Seal Brown Eye Color: Egyptian Blue Body Type: She has a faint six pack due to having to move around a lot, which means she's very thin; her legs are very thin, too. [/hider] [hider=Personality] Description: Most of the time she's very nice and caring, but if you get on her bad side she will kick your arse... Strengths: She's known to be in a very strong family, and can easily dodge any items due to her speed. Weaknesses: Her blurry vision sometimes gets in the way, becoming worse if moving too fast. Thaeans at certain times she will wear black square-like glasses. Likes: She likes to sing every once and a while, usually when the younger kids are playing with her. Dislikes: She doesn't like it when people compliment her about her looks, or strength then they find out she's in a poor family and they walk away. Wants: Since her family is a poor and has a small house so she wants to earn money, or at least put some fame into her family. Fears: She's afraid that her parents will die while still in a poor family, and not known for anything special other than their helpful strength. [/hider] [hider=Background] Description: She's in a very poor family, and has to work to get money. Since her entire family works, exercises, and makes their own food they're known for their extreme strength, and coincidentally having a last name that means "strength" and "power". Each generation of her family has had at least one person try one of the regiments, but she doesn't know that yet. She has her own reason why she joined. Birthplace: Yahkell Family: Devin Tsuyoi (Father), Mary Tsuyoi (Mother), Samuel Tsuyoi (Brother/Deceased) [/hider] [/hider]