[center] [color=00FA9A][h2]Yuna Hōjō[/h2][/color] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/1zeed76.jpg[/IMG] [color=00FA9A][i][b]"A new future rest on the horizon"[/b][/i][/color] o---ooo------------------o----------------------ooo------------------o----------------------ooo---o [/center] Before he'd even realize it, soft fingertips had gently rested on the back of the Naito's neck. And for a brief moment, a pulsing sensation of immense aching pain would course through his hand, with the hope that the sudden sensation of pain would make him drop the kunai and end his brutal assault on the much weaker Nobunaga. [i]Secret Medical Technique: Touch[/i]. This was one of the few times she had ever used the technique in this manner. What Nobu initiated was certainly uncalled for to prove his point, but what Daiki was doing to him was even worse. And it was unnecessary. This whole situation was to be honest. The pain in his hand holding the kunai would only last for a few seconds, but hopefully it would stop Daiki from ripping into the Inuzukas arm. She was too distracted by this to even realize how Fujitora was practically emasculating and making a fool of Mr. Maru. Yuna walked from around behind and glared at the Naito with a motherly, but stern eye. Her gaze was icy and completely disapproving. He looked like a bully and her expression to him would be very clear of how she was feeling. Disappointed. [color=00FA9A][b]"Enough"[/b][/color]. Even-though he was of a higher-ranking, under the circumstances, enough was indeed, enough. A hope that he would not turn on her played briefly through her mind, but it wasn't enough to deter her from stopping this man from digging his fangs into someone she still considered a child. Stepping up to the Inuzuka, she carefully felt his broken wrist, and moved her comforting hands along his severely penetrated shoulder and his arm that had been jabbed and ripped into as well. And to top it all off, two cards were sticking out both of his thighs, though not very deep, but still. It was...bizarre, since she didn't see where they came from. She looked back at the Naito with a look that said, [i][color=00FA9A]Did you really have to go this far?[/color][/i], first using her secret medical technique to numb [i]some[/i] of the pain that had been incurred by the Naito's attacks. Very carefully, she pulled out the cards from his thighs as if pulling out splinters. Thankfully the wounds left behind were not very deep, but did bleed more than expected. After quickly healing them first, Yuna then placed her palms on his arm as an aquamarine light began healing the deep gash. As she healed him, she listened carefully to Ayame's words, her goals, aspirations, what she trying to achieve. And then the rain came. Yuna closed her eyes, raised her head towards the darkened sky, and sighed deeply. She quickly became soaked and her long curly hair drenched over her girly frame. Looking back down as she continued to heal his harm, she watched out of the corner of her eye as Rei, who was trying to aid Giichi, was sent home by the older Minamoru. She looked at Yamato with a strange expression, before looking back down to Nobunaga's wounded arm. As she continued, she analyzed his shoulder wound. Her keen perception and extensive medical knowledge learned from her father made her especially helpful here. But even by herself, and with all his wounds, she couldn't heal them all in a timely fashion. Talking to no one in particular, she spoke gently. [b][color=00FA9A]"It'll take too long to heal all his wounds here. His wrist is broken and his shoulder is severely wounded, down to the bone. He needs immediate and extensive medical attention. Can someone please help me take him to the hospital?"[/color][/b] Yuna didn't bother interjecting her own personal feelings on the situation, she just kept her gaze focused on his arm, not bothering to look up to anyone. Once his arm had been healed, she moved to his severely wounded shoulder and began working on it, though this wound was most certainly going to need extensive medical attention because it would take her way too long to try and heal it where they were. But even still, she'd get started. At least she was able to numb some of the pain, which helped. Whatever she could do until someone was willing to lend a helping hand. All the unnecessary brutality that took place today was just.... Sad.