The mayor scribbled something on several pieces of paper, and handed one to each of us. The paper simply stated that we were to get one free piece of equipment from the armory. Why only one? Well, apparently armor was still in short supply in this village, as were weapons. The mayor continued shouting to his people, and someone made his way to us for whatever reason. He quickly explained that the drunkard over there wants to make a necklace out of his teeth. Normally, I'd ask him why he'd want to do that, but since the town drunk was involved, I assumed it was something stupid or petty. "Alright, just stay with us... hmm, odd. I was going to offer you one of these," I then hold out my paper, and continue "but it looks like you're already set armor-wise... then again, you could probably use a better weapon, actually, what IS your weapon?" I didn't see a single thing on him that looked like it could be used as a weapon, but, certain sneakier folk were known to keep weapons out of sight so that they could sneak them into parties and other events that normally wouldn't allow a weapon. I then get Backstabs, our goblin thief who has been doing just that with whatever equipment she could conceivably get her hands on, to hand him her paper. Once the mayor finally finished with his speech, the princess woke up from some sort of slumber she's been in since he started, and said "Wow, mayor kobold, you really need to work on being less boring when you're giving speeches... or don't, I have trouble sleeping anyways and a few more speeches like that might just be the cure," she then yawns, and the mayor tries and fails to claw her eyes out, obviously offended by what she just said.