Marwood froze at the idea and shivered of hunted by the Princess, that girl scared him. Though if it came to it he might be able to get her to help them. Or at least see her to find out more about what was going, he carefully moved to Alvin's side as they followed the bandit archer. He kept Aldo in earshot as well as they traveled. "Alvin... I've been thinking, we travel though Renais... Let me go to Jehanna and speak with Refeala. She would know more about this war and with our past friendship I could ride to Jehanna and return by the time you reached the capital of Renais." He sighed looking between the group. "While I fear the girl we must know why this war started and if peace is possible. She is our best chance. Let me do this for and while I am traveling visit my mother... Tell her I am okay and rest for a night, Sion will first search Grado before looking to other countries with me in Jehanna he will not know you have had contact with me." Marwood gently removed something from his wrist, a bracelet of pearls each shined royal blue and engraved with the Renais royal seal. "Take this with you to capital, rest their and alert my mother to your refugees needs. She will take them in and help them... She could never turn away those in need and Renais has had bountiful harvests so we can feed them." His eyes followed the hungry and poor trying to survive a war where mercenaries ran rampant. Marwood dismounted and petted his horse carefully, he hoped the hungry would not try to butcher and eat her. He left her close the Medea knowing the dragon would protect the horse. He followed Archibald into the meeting room he looked at him. "The stone later, you have more pressing issues... I rode in from Renais, on my way in this morning I saw something that might interest you. Jehannan food caravan, six wagons full of food that are stopped Serafew until tomorrow morning. Very few soldiers their as it's border town between Renais and Grado. That's enough food to feed you camp for a week, three if you ration. If you can get us their I'll help you capture the carts." He stated. The Prince of Renais was more at home here then in castle, he leaned back in the chair. "That information I believe is worth your help." He smiled, he was no Alvin but he could make a deal when he had to and giving them information first would go a long way toward building trust.