[@Shikaru] The front Paladin batted the metal frisbee out of the air with it's blade, launching it into the distance. However, it had bought Erick the moment he had needed to make his escape. The Paladins were nearly unmatched fighting machines in close combat, but their bulky frames limited their mobility in tight spaces. For a moment, they considered attempting to break their way into the tunnel below. However even if they did, it would be impossible to maneouver in such a tight space. [/We should cover the entrances, and smoke him out like a rat. Within the cramped tunnels it would be impossible to avoid Crusader patrols we sent down./] [No, we no longer have the manpower for a mission of such scale.] Kami steps forward, as he addressed them through the comms. The sound could already be heard. They were near the city of Santa Anna, and the Ghoul outbreak was in full force. There was a relatively strong Purge presence in Santa Anna, but it had not undergone the conversion process. As such, they would need to fight in the streets in order to deal with the Ghoul threat. [A Country-wide outbreak of lesser vampiric creatures of an unknown strain has occurred. Similar to the outbreak seen before, but far more widespread. They are highly infectious, and cannot be allowed to spread. Help containing the infection and establish a perimiter around the city. I want full lockdown. We will deal with this figure once the Ghouls are dealt with.] Kami had regained his senses. The abomination's influence had left him disoriented, and he had temporarily been lost in emotion. It was a worrying prospect, like the walls of his sanity were coming down. But Kami had no room for worry, in the same way he had no room for mercy in his head. The Purge faced it's greatest threat yet, but they were equipped for the job. They would lose many men, but anything they lost would be regained instantly. They would become the most funded military organization on the planet, gaining the backing of the entirety of America. This turn of events was certainly unexpected, but it fell perfectly into the grand plan. Soon, the world would be wiped clean of the vampire scum. Kami nodded at the two Paladins, as they moved into the city. There were hundreds attempting to escape from the city through the main roads, and yet already a Battallion of Crusaders had taken it upon themselves to seal off the city. Kami stood on top of a car, as he faced the civilians attempting to panic. No words were necessary as a sudden silence swept through the crowds. [The enemy has revealed themselves, and struck at our hearts. But do not despair. We will bring the Wrath of God to them, and we will eliminate all who stand in our way.] Kami raised his fist into the air, as the two Paladins stood beside him. [This land is the Land of the Free, the Land of God. And we will not relinquish it to this foul demonspawn! We stand before you, and we will protect this land from the encroaching darkness. Do not fear, but rejoice! For today, we beat back the storm once more!] And so, the world's greatest game of cat and mouse began. The playing field was a city consumed by war, the players the Purge and the abomination. And the stakes would be the world itself.