[b]Name:[/b] Ungimros [b]Age:[/b] 120 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Bosmer - Wood Elf [b]Appearance:[/b] To humans, apparently around thirty in age. Skin roughly the brown of a dead leaf, eyes with large pupils and dark irises, and bear-black hair. His beard and mustache are thin and trimmed, but not styled, and he has hair to the base of his neck, all wild but for two braids used to keep it out of his eyes. He is not an ugly man, but not good-looking, and reinforces this with the rest of his unconcerned appearance. His hide armor seems to be composed of at least four creatures, and none of his leather-ware matches in dye, style, or quality. [b]Personality:[/b] [s]Marne-y.[/s] As long as he’s mobile, Ungimros is cheerful, competitive, and carefree. He’s also irresponsible in the extreme, and as often as he can keep himself, callous with other people’s lives and futures. He tries keep unattached from people or places, but makes an effort to enjoy them while they present themselves. He becomes anxious without change or excitement for too long, and will seek to create some if he perceives himself trapped on some capacity. He's not particularly involved with Bosmeri culture, and is a bit loose regarding the Green Pact he grew up with. He avoids eating plants as he was conditioned to, but isn't opposed to them as spices. He also allows himself some leniency on eating every one of his kills, due in part to his itinerancy and adventuring tendencies. Rather than consuming as much of his kills as possible, Ungimros will typically take a sample, unless he genuinely needs the meal. [b]History:[/b] Ungimros was mobile and active from a very young age; always running, swimming, climbing, and playing with shortbows, but in his childhood, he had several friends, some of them quite close. They grew up in a quite traditional village, where most families held to the Green Pact; only a few Bosmer families and the village's three Orc families did not. For the most part, this was never a problem, aside from how traditionalists looked down on those less so. When Ungimros was of an age comparable to a human preteen, an incident occurred which was pivotal in his personal development. He got into a conflict with a close friend, over a girl, which devolved into a tumble on the forest floor. By accident, a punch sent the other boy's head to smack against a sharp rock. The wound was immediately dark and bloody, but Ungimros had never learned any healing magic from the village. By the time he'd carried his friend back, very tired and soaked in blood not his, it was too late. His family and the other boy's being strict traditionalists, it was made clear to Ungimros that he was not to waste the new source of meat, lest he dishonor himself and his dead friend. The emotional difficulty of eating a good friend caused Ungimros to stop making and keeping good friends, and as soon as it was feasible, he left his village, to wander the rest of Valenwood, where there would be no family to oblige him to be strict regarding the Green Pact, and no friends to make him feel the way he had when following it. This was his mode for a few decades, and he became a competent hunter. But while hunting kept him fed, that was about all it did in Valenwood, where the career was densely saturated. A more rewarding sort of work, he found, was bounty hunting plant-poachers near the (recently diminished) edges of Valenwood. Mostly these people were Khajiit, but various other sorts could be found trying to take flora from Valenwood. The jobs, while exciting and decently rewarding, were few. Ungimros went looking for similar experiences over the years, with a theme of adventure eventually making itself clear. Almost a decade into this, he wandered north, finding an Ayleid ruin tucked away in deep forest. The place had been long converted into a Bosmer village, it turned out, but studying the architecture, Ungimros was intrigued with how it must have looked to the first people to enter. He was told there were traps and hordes of undead, and the idea excited him. From that point onward, Ungimros no longer restricted himself to Valenwood, exploring Cyrodiil, sampling the sands of Elseweyr, viewing the Red Mountain (from a distance), and even spending a little time in Skyrim. The last place proved colder than Ungimros had been entirely into, so he moved back south, to look into the parts of Cyrodiil he’d not yet seen, starting with Cheydinhal. [b]Skills:[/b] Ungimros is a consummate outdoorsman; well-versed in the behavior of most Tamrielic animals, as well as judging weather, terrain, and foliage. He's a practiced tracker and hunter, and can gauge how to move silently and keep downwind in a given situation. He knows how to skin, butcher, and serve virtually any creature in Mundus, including all the bipedal races of Tamriel. Physically, Ungimros is strong and agile. His archery is very good with a traditional bow, and especially a long one, though not as great with a crossbow. He's not great with a blade, but competent with things near dagger length. He can climb with ease, swim swiftly, and run quietly. Ungimros' only magical skill is a small amount of Conjuration experience, learned primarily for profit. He can bind souls at a distance and trap them in gems on their body's death, to be sold to enchanters and other mages later. He also knows how to summon weak daedra in the shape of either a spectral wolf or a dagger, though he has been working on trying to conjure a Daedra as an arrow. [b]Equipment:[/b] Ungimros wears hide armor, as much for warmth as protection. A longbow of Altmeri design is generally resting on his back, a strap with a button to be unlatched whenever he needs the weapon. He keeps his quiver on one thigh, and it currently holds just under two dozen arrows of varied make and material. The rest of things are kept in two satchels - either one strapped around his waist - since he's yet to purchase or loot a belt that does something to this effect. In the satchels after his trip to Cheydinhall are as follows: • 4 petty soulgems • two minor healing potions • a spare bow string • 37 scattered Septims [b]Birthsign:[/b] [img]http://uesp.net/w/images/b/b9/Rg_dwemersymbol_steed.jpg[/img] - The Steed [b]-First Impressions-[/b] [i]Hector:[/i] Military gone mercenary, obviously. Whether Aldmeri or Imperial, Ungimros had never been interested in people who follow orders so readily, but he supposed someone had to be bland to make others exciting. At least this one had decided to make himself more interesting than a suit of armor, and he seemed like someone who could handle himself. [i]Blackbird:[/i] Ungimros remembered a skooma peddler with a similar smile, which had faded when the man learned the only sale to be made was his head. Neither the bounty nor the Breton's heart had been satisfying. Still, it was useful to have a charmer and a veteran, and this man was both. Regardless of utility, Ungimros didn't plan to be present when the bird stopped cooing, entertaining as the day might prove. [i]Balen:[/i] Ungimros had found that in general, quieter people had the hidden potential to be more interesting than others, and he certainly hoped to find this true for Balen, since he was not entirely sure what other use the Dunmer would come to. The man seemed half in Oblivion all the time, and had expressed the impracticality of his own magic. Like the (presumed) mage's ashen homeland, Ungimros would observe from a distance. [i]Baladas:[/i] The more ostensibly useful of the two Dunmer mages was more sociable, as well. That he was a sorcerer of the oft-taboo, and probably a little bit mad, was only a concern for Ungimros in that their current venture was directly into a pit full of Nordic undead. Otherwise, he was an entertaining person to speak to. [i]Merci:[/i] Her name amused Ungimros, but fortunately she proved less naive than one interpretation, and easier to stand than the others. Her youth is apparently no barrier to her magic, either, and having more than just the Altmer as a healer strikes Ungimros as critically important for any extended ventures like crypt-delving. [i]Elayne:[/i] A sensible person, which was usually disappointing. In this case, Ungimros imagined the Breton's intelligence and passion would keep her interesting to watch and talk to. Although he's not entirely comfortable with her using him as a Bosmer reference point, it is amusing enough for him to have accepted such conversations. [i]Aenyarin:[/i] The typical Altmer, to Ungimros' experience, was one who shat upon the percieved lesser races, even when their guests. Disappointingly, this mage did not seem to be a deviation, and indeed had been Thalmor; the most concentrated of that ideology. Added to her obvious additional distaste for Ungimros, he did not guess any positive interaction in their future. Still, she was honest, and could presumably destroy many enemies with one spell; both of which were positives. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Apparently forgot this section existed.