Character: Zero Verse: Belongs to the Megaman universe, specifically the Megaman Zero Series. Earth. Date: 8/31/15 Full Name: Matt Nickname/Alias: Zero Origin: Matt is a young man who, after the destruction of Neo Arcadia from the fall of Omega, comes across a gem on the ground which unlocks the memories of Zero. The gem implants the location of Zero's scattered armor parts, and he assembles them onto himself, and after donning the helmet and placing the gem in the forehead slot, the armor activates and fuses with Matt (though he can de-fuse at will). The ideals and experiences of the freedom fighter robot are intertwined with Matt's, and a new incarnation of the ultimate fighting robot is born. Gender: Male Real Age: 22 Age Appearance: 18 Birthplace: Neo Arcadia Species: Human; Cyborg Eye Color: Brown; Gears Hair Color Brown without helmet; Red-Blonde with helmet Hairstyle: medium length faux-hawk without helmet; long (4ft) ponytail with helmet Build: Short and lean, slightly muscular. Longer torso, average looking with clothes. Height: 66 Inches Weight: 140lbs, 200lbs with armor Health: Health bar, measured in 30 "ticks." At 0 ticks remaining, faints. Energy: Limitless. Armor provides nuclear-reactor-core and disables need to eat, sleep, etc while wearing. Style: Refer to picture. Attitude: Upbeat, Type A personality. Slightly combatant. Equipment: Two Z-sabers, two Z-busters, approximately 100 Z-kunai, 4 Sub-tanks. Element: None; can change on the fly for low elemental damage addition to attacks. Occupation: Maverick Hunter Main Goal: Eradicate all Mavericks. Minor Goals/Ambitions: Find a fighter that is his match in combat. Strengths: Highly versatile, adaptive. Great intelligence, and onboard computer allow instantaneous decision making. Flaws: Easily goaded/angered, accepts any challenge. Powers/Abilities: (While wearing armor:) Inhuman strength, extremely agile, able to change armor form. (Human:) Top tier critical thinking, high natural intelligence, mildly muscular and can lift up to his own weight. Also knows basic martial arts and hand-to-hand combat. (Zero can move at a rate of 10m/s, and dash at a rate of 30m/s. Can lift one ton with medium effort, 1.75 with great effort. Zero's energy weapons can slice through 5 inches of steel as though it were butter.) Source: All plasmatic energy comes from Zero's nuclear core. Motor functions activated and controlled by muscles/human brain; armor simply enhances speed and strength. Ability: Seasoned fighting veteran. Years of natural experience fused with eons of Zero's fighting prowess. Weaknesses: Extremely vulnerable outside of armor. Gem on forehead is one-hit knockout/death if cracked/shattered. Armor is magnetic. Immunities: Nuclear reactor core negates all attempts at EMP and other electricity-disabling abilities and attacks. Resists magnetic/gravitational impaction due to futuristic alloys and solid armor frame (can move unimpeded along the bottom of the ocean). Restrictions: Can only use subtanks when below 10 health. Tanks heal 8 ticks. Any plasma energy weapon not physically touching Zero will last 10 minutes before requiring reactivation. Alternate Forms: Guardian transformations: Can reform armor becoming a mixture of Zero's base armor and one of 4 guardians (Fefnir, Leviathan, Harpuia, and Phantom) up to once each per battle. Omega Zero: Zero's awakened form. Requires intense focus and draining of 2 sub-tanks; benefits are quintuple speed, strength, and access to upgraded moveset. Shadow Omega: Omega Zero's Shadow form. Speed and strength are considered godly; only possible activation requires extreme anger, personal loss, or threat of planetary destruction. Unable to access "on a whim." This form -is not- unbeatable and abides by the same weaknesses as original form Zero.) Originality: Matt controls Zero's armor, and therefor is a separate person. Like other humans he enjoys banter and smalltalk instead of fighting wordlessly, while also adding his own flavor of fighting style to the one properly recognized by those who have seen Zero. He loves to surprise the enemy and use battle tricks to make things interesting, and has unbeatable tenacity as long as his health is existent.