Riley and Sarah: [i]"Since when are you so wise?"[/i] Riley looked over at her mothers friend and laughed softly and smiled shrugging slightly. "Just watched a lot of dating shows I guess." She said watching as Kade walked in, she followed her mother inside and into the kitchen seeing all the food on the counter. It all smelled so good, she just wanted to eat it all right then and there then she turned her attention towards Kade as he somehow easily lifted up the table and slowly moved it towards the back door and then outside. She couldn't help but get a strange but familiar smell from him as well, Riley then headed over and grabbed two of the heavy chairs that went with the table lifting them both up easily and headed outside doing the same to the other two chairs as well. "Chairs are set." Riley said looking over towards Kade and smiled at him. Sarah watched as both her daughter and Kade easily lifted up the table and chairs heading outside to set it up, surprised she never seen Riley lift something heavily with ease. "Vanessa and I got the rest of it, you two just hangout." Sarah said turning her attention towards Vanessa, she started to grab the plates and glasses along with the rest of the silverware and started to set up the table. Krista: Krista quickly turned her head when she heard someone scream, seeing that it was Sky in her car spilling coffee all over herself, though she was scared at the thought of what Kaden had just said. She could hear Sky scream from the scolding hot coffee even from across the street and through a closed car door. "I uh, yeah I guess I mean I do feel really different. But not in a bad way, as if I was stronger then before.." Krista said softly looking over towards Cassandra and reached out to hold her hand gently to try and comfort her. The whole ordeal with the wolf was really crazy, seeing Cassandra being attacked and being helpless scared her she then turned her attention back to Kaden. "So what do you think happened?" Krista asked.