The Director As The Directors Pelican approached the Island of Hawaii, he looked out at the Beautiful sights that the island held. The Beautiful Clear blue water which probably held many species of Tropical fish. In the Directors current state he would not normally be able to behold such a sight but on the pelican above the water it felt so surreal, how could a place like this be able to look this beautiful with the world in its current state. as the Pelican got lower a dolphin surfaced and jumped out of the water and land gracefully back in the ocean. A sight not many get to see, it was a once in a life time opportunity. In the Distance the Dormant Volcano that stood in the middle of Hawaii looked Gigantic but Peaceful it was truly a sight to behold. The palm trees on the island completed the package, the way they swayed as though they were dancing in the cool salty breeze. The Director had an Idea. if he could show the world this small plot of Perfection then maybe they would rally and join their cause, he pulled up his Data pads Camera. He took snapshots of different Tranquil parts of the island. Later he would use them to make propaganda against the Purge, show the world that this is what they wanted, that this is what they were fighting for. As the Directors Pelican Finally came to a halt in the Parking lot of the Resort where he was to meet the man who could change the tide of the war, The man who most feared. He wheeled himself down the ramp of the pelicans loading hatch an looked at the iWatch on his wrist. "F.I.L.L.S Find a place hide then cloak and cut the engines. we dont want to be tracked here" the pelican took off into the distance where it would cloak and hide until the director gave the word to uncloak and pick him up. He pulled up HackerZ.exe on his Data pad and hacked into the Resorts guest list to check to make sure the guest he needed was there. "Bingo. hes here, good" he said enlarging the picture of him. "Ok better make a reservation for a room im gonna be here a while." he said tapping where it said '+Add Guest' the wrote his name and age and added a picture till it read 'Name of Guest: Dr Leonard Church. Age: 46' The Director put away his data pad and wheeled into the reception and up to the Receptionist. "Ah excuse me good sir. Do you have my Reservation on the System" the man looked down at church the man was wearing a red and Yellow Hawaiian shirt with a pair of Cargo shorts and sandles on. he was wearing a shark tooth on a string around his neck. *Let me check. Name Sir* the Director lowered his tinted black shades as he answered "Doctor Leonard Church. should be a Premium suite". *Ah yep got you right here sir. Your on the top floor. The Elevator is over there and your room is the last on the Corridor* "thank you my good man" he said taking the keys from the man.