[center][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/zankyou-no-terror/images/f/f3/Zankyou_no_terror-02-shibasaki-detective-terrorism_department-glasses-goatee-crossword.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20140822180933[/img] [h2][b][color=maroon]Kaito Maru, Onyx[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] Despite the turn of events and Fujitora administering a new authority over him, Kaito didn't appear to be bothered in the least. His serious expression didn't change at all, his body language showing no signs of stress, worry, or even anger. He matched the gaze of the man before him silently for a moment before letting out a sigh. He patiently waited for Ayame to finish her speech as well, slowly lowering his hand that held the cuffs as time went on. When the woman brought the rain down, Kaito casually formed a black, crystal umbrella and held it over his head. With his free hand he reached inside his jacket and withdrew a particularly shiny badge. The Superintendent and former Head Detective reached over to Fujitora, holding the badge out. [b][color=maroon]"When order is neglected, even for a single, special case, all other cases are taken in a new light,"[/color][/b] Kaito began. [b][color=maroon]"If order is not absolute and consistent, then there can be no order. No peace or security can be found."[/color][/b] After Fujitora took the badge, Kaito turned away and walked over to the large black crystal that contained Tsukiko Umene. [b][color=maroon]"Do not be surprised if you two share the same fate as Zeno Hakaresu."[/color][/b] Now his free hand moved over to the crystal that surrounded the enraged wild woman. [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ObRDT2r.png[/img] [h2][b][color=moccasin]Tsukiko Umene, Honeybadger[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] The moment the crystal that had captured her was ground into fine dust, her hand shot out and latched onto Kaito's jacket collar. Tsukiko lifted him off the ground, holding him up with her single hand. Despite this violent reaction, Kaito managed to remain perfectly calm, even still holding his umbrella over his head perfectly vertically to remain dry. [b][color=moccasin]"Don't you ever try that shit again with me, Maru,"[/color][/b] Tsukiko threatened, lowering the man so as to bring them face-to-face now. [b][color=moccasin]"I'll put you in the ground before you can even apologize."[/color][/b] After Tsukiko released him, Kaito took a moment to readjust his jacket to make it comfortable again. [b][color=maroon]"I'm sure you will. I did you a favor, Umene. I never intended to apologize."[/color][/b] With that, the main jumped down from the platform with a splash against the puddles forming on the square below. Tsukiko angrily stared down at the back of his head as he walked away, but after a few seconds she returned her attention to Ayame and Fujitora. [b][color=moccasin]"And as for you two assholes!"[/color][/b] Tsukiko pointed a finger at Ayame menacingly. While some of her rage had subsided with time, given that she wasn't immediately trying to kill either of them right now, it was clear that she was still mad. The rain didn't even bother her, she seemed to not even notice it despite how quickly she was getting drenched. [b][color=moccasin]"You two might be smarter than me, but don't think that gives you any kind of right to make a fool out of me." "You should both feel fucking lucky that I didn't kill you. Considering how pathetic you made me look I have every right to end this stupid revolution here and now."[/color][/b] Now she aimed her finger and furious gaze at Fujitora. [b][color=moccasin]"But I like you guys. So I'm willing to give you two a second chance."[/color][/b] Her hand went down now, both now resting on her hips as she leaned forward to look more imposing. [b][color=moccasin]"The next time you feel like betraying me, fucking don't."[/color][/b] With a huff, Tsukiko turned away from the Choko siblings, facing the crowd that had gathered in the square. Only now did she seem to notice the rain coming down. Tsukiko brushed her wet hair back over her shoulders and looked down at her feet. The blood from Zeno's corpse was being washed off the platform, draining past her boots. The woman faced the corpse now, crouching down to get a better look at the late Hokage. While she would never admit it, she did have respect for the man. He was strong, after all, and he had also done a lot for her in the past. One of the reasons she wasn't [i]put down[/i] as a child was because Zeno had shot the idea down after she was brought to Konoha. Though she would like to think her entire career came from her ability alone, Tsukiko knew that Zeno kept her out of a lot of trouble by turning a blind eye to her disposition and outbursts. Her violence could've ended her career several times already, but he kept her instated as a shinobi rather than lock her up. There was a kind of sadness in her heart, but her expression didn't change. The wild woman still appeared angry as she reached out and closed Zeno's eyelids. [b][color=moccasin]"Will of Fire, eh?"[/color][/b] Tsukiko mumbled to herself, proving that she had heard everything when she was in the crystal prison. [b][color=moccasin]"... stupid philosophy..."[/color][/b] Standing upright again, she looked up into the sky, uncaring of the rain falling on her face. After sniffing a few times, Tsukiko looked back down at the crowd. There was obvious mixed feelings about Ayame and Fujitora's revolution, and Tsukiko had her own mixed feelings too. [b][color=moccasin]"I'm gonna take a week off,"[/color][/b] Tsukiko said aloud, still not looking at Fujitora or Ayame. [b][color=moccasin]"I need to kill some things."[/color][/b] [hr] [center][img]https://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr7xsq9y3h1qcfp07o1_500.jpg[/img] [h2][b][color=orange]Shin Maru, Topaz[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] The young detective rushed onto the square just in time to see his father jump down from the platform above, where the Hokage had given his speech. And where the Hokage lay now, deceased. Ayame, Fujitora, and Tsukiko stood over the body still. Considering the clothes of Ayame, it didn't take long for Shin to figure out what had gone down. An anger began to burn inside him, previously unheard of. Shin was never known to get mad. But something about this whole situation changed him. His hands clenched into fists and he bared his teeth in a sneer. [i][color=orange]How can they do something like this? How long have they been planning it? What do they have to-[/color][/i] The teenager didn't even notice his father approaching until a hand fell on his shoulder. [b][color=maroon]"Shin,"[/color][/b] Kaito greeted, snapping Shin out of his rage. [b][color=orange]"Father, can you explain to me what is going on?"[/color][/b] His father continued walking, prompting Shin to follow him. They remained silent until they were no longer in the square, and thus out of earshot from the majority of the shinobi present. [b][color=maroon]"Ayame and Fujitora Choko staged a coup. They killed the Hokage and took his seat,"[/color][/b] Kaito began. [b][color=orange]"I could tell that much for myself..."[/color][/b][b][color=maroon]"Tsukiko Umene was not a factor. She was, however, a wild card that seems to have ultimately sided with them."[/color][/b] Shin brought a hand up to his chin as he thought about it. It did make sense that Tsukiko would support something violent, especially if the outcome would allow her to continue being violent in the future. [b][color=orange]"But what else is going on? I know there's more to it than that."[/color][/b] Now his father turned his head to face him as they walked through the rain. [b][color=maroon]"They had been planning this for a while. I had always advised the Hokage against admitting foreign shinobi, as I did when they first arrived years ago. As always, however, he ignored my warnings. I had paid a close eye on those two for the past few years. I was aware of their opinion of Zeno, but never figured they would try to kill him. Perhaps I had grown too comfortable with them as time went on. But this was a good dose of reality."[/color][/b] Shin began to look concerned now. While his father had always been the pinnacle of calm and concise, he was starting to have a dark tone about him. [b][color=maroon]"I no longer doubt my instincts. When my suspension is over, I will take steps to bring law and order back to Konohagakure. Immigrant shinobi will be thoroughly inspected and screened with strict provisions. If I can convince Ayame to declare a state of Martial Law, I can purge all dangers to our society within a few weeks."[/color][/b] Shin slowed down slightly now. This was the closest to anger he had ever seen coming from his father. On top of that it had become apparent that his [i]plans[/i] were quite morally questionable. [b][color=orange]"Wait, I thought you didn't approve of the revolution? Why would you turn to them for support?"[/color][/b] Shin inquired, now picking up the pace to match his father again. [b][color=maroon]"My job has always been to maintain peace through order, Shin. Today caused an upset to that. Konoha will be tested in the coming months thanks to the instability caused by the coup. My differences with the Choko can easily be put aside to protect the city. While I do not agree with their actions, I cannot change them. I can, however, make the best of the situation and begin fixing the problems that will arise instead of ignoring them to focus on our leaders."[/color][/b] The young detective scowled, but he knew his father was right to a degree. It was a waste of time to be angry with the revolution. [b][color=orange]"I suppose you're right... but your idea from earlier... don't you think that's a bit harsh? Surely people will disagree with you and denounce your plan."[/color][/b] Now Kaito stopped and looked at Shin. His son was about the same height as him, so they could see eye to eye. [b][color=maroon]"The world's opinion of me does not affect what I do,"[/color][/b] he explained. [b][color=maroon]"I serve to keep order, [i]by any means necessary[/i]. This will keep our current leaders from being violently assassinated and throwing Konoha into a state of upheaval. Repeating what happened today will only compound our problems, and I will ground out that possibility. I may not like the Choko siblings, but if they were to fall now then Konoha would surely fall with them."[/color][/b]