Geoff fought back the instinct to vomit, then the instinct to back away while scouring the crowd for angry policemen. He quickly made a negative gesture and cut into the young lady's speech with a slight note of panic and a much larger one of disgust. "No, no I'm not, thank you." Geoff, not quite sure what to say in this scenario, just followed the 14 year old out of the shop. He wondered absentmindedly if he was Bowser in this scenario [the thought making him shudder as a wave of disgust once again rolled over him], or if the mission was Bowser and he was like... Luigi? Toad? He'd ask the child about it later. Who Zhu Feng was, and what "the Thousand Stars" would need to be answered at some point too, seeing as google was failing him at the moment, and he was eager to know what his new companion could do. He caught up to the surprisingly fast child, and introduced himself. "I'm Geoffrey. Geoffrey Windsor. I..." He wished he had something quite as flashy as 'The Thousand Stars' to brag about, but couldn't think of a way to spin his abilities in such a flashy manner without sounding like a mall ninja. "Well, I've got a bunch of guns, and I know how to use them.". Changing tacks slightly, he continued. "Seems odd that someone your age would be so interested in a reconnaissance mission, I guess. Is it just the danger you're looking for?" He stayed in step with the child as he waited for a response.