[quote=@Spriggs27] Umm KoL, Izumi sent the voice mail message to Saya in the security room, not over an intercom. Also KoL The masked people are under my control, through drugs and severe beatings. And I was mentioning [@Kimiyosis]'s post right after mines. [/quote] But, it was Kaede who used the intercom in my post. I never said Izumi used it. You should have made it a bit clearer, I thought that they were just random opponents. Nevertheless, if I ruined something that you was planning I apologize, but when I said that I would use them on my next post you said nothing. See here: [quote=@KoL] [@Spriggs27]So much hatred... It looks like Itsuko is doing her job right. Anyway, don't worry, I shall include crazy animal people on my post too. [/quote] I may not have paid attention to it, sorry since this post I did was already half done by that time. Anyway, Kimi's post still ends with Sasha and Luci on the corridor, so I haven't done anything, really.