Just as Tirarrian leapt from the stool the savage man started towards her. Well, started is a bit of an understatement. His air of danger had become an air of immanent threat, and he stalked towards her with broad steps, easily stepping between the wounded legs like stepping between tree routes. He bristled so much Tirarrian could swear the fur on the lioness was on end Whatever had ticked him off, he was heading straight for her. Perhaps he was hired by someone from her past, the Coin rippers maybe? Either way, Kayleth hated her enough, she didn't need to be distracted from Durin. She jumped on a back foot and started stepping backwards. [color=violet]"Hey! We can take this outside! No need to distract the good doctor!"[/color] This would also hopefully buy her time. Although he was a large and well built man she hoped she could apply enough poison to her blade on the way out she could at least try and bring him down, as her blade had no poison on it right now. [color=violet][i]Maybe he doesn't even understand what I'm saying? Some sort of force of nature who wants to rip me from this world?[/i][/color], she mused. She'd seen demons today, the sky's the limit! [@IcePezz][@Dragoknighte][@The Harbinger of Ferocity]