[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Su1ShMw.png[/img] [h3][color=orange]Giichi Uzumaki[/color][/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5vCJbygV_k ]Sheltering Hope[/url][/center] [hr] [b]R[/b]ain fell from the sky and onto his face, first, it was slow. But it seemed, the heavier his heart got, the heavier the rain got. Giichi looked around himself, barely hearing Yamato’s words through his own anguish and mental yelling. His body wouldn’t move, his Will was being ignored. By the time Yamato had warned him of the changing times, Giichi had felt abandoned. Abandoned by his hero: Yamato and abandoned by the one he liked: Rei. For the longest time, he sat there in the bent and cracked crater, wood pricking him through his clothes until tears fell down his eyes. [b]T[/b]he rain hid them well. But it did not simmer the hatred brewing in his heart. He clasped his mouth shut as his teeth fell down on each other, the pressure pitting his jaws against each other. When he felt like his teeth would fracture from the pressure, he heard two drop down near him. Suddenly, the rain that fell over him had ceased touching his back and he had been lifted off the splintered ground with little effort. Beyond the deafening rage and the pattering sound of the rain, he heard his mother and father. [color=#005200][b] “T[/b]ake him home, Sachi.”[/color] His father’s voice was authority, iron-bound; there was no room for arguments. [b]A[/b] confirming [b]mhm![/b] was all he heard as he was hefted onto a slim, soft back. His body seemed to lay over his mother’s as he laid his head helplessly on her shoulder. Fragile at it was, it held sturdy against his weight. [b]G[/b]uilt soon infiltrated his heart as he was carried away. He was incapable of halting the revolt, defending his family’s legacy, and even allowed himself to be shamelessly put down in his efforts. He covered his face with the little bit of movement he had, digging his eyes into his mother’s shirt as they traveled. [color=orange][b] “I[/b] messed up, Mom. I really messed up. Pl-Please forgive me,”[/color] he sobbed quietly. [center][hider=Taichi Senju][img]http://i.imgur.com/NPXedpa.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [color=#005200][b] “M[/b]y child,”[/color] escaped his lips as Sachi and Giichi bounded from the dais. The rain fell over him, his leather jacket slid the rain off in droplets. He turned his luminous eyes onto Ayame and Fujitora, Tsukiko too. [color=#005200][b] “H[/b]is chakra is darker. Its tainted with disappointment, despair … hurt. I’ll say these words to you. As a warning. He will not easily forget this … be prepared for a storm in the future.”[/color] [b]H[/b]e eyed the chaos in the crowd with disappointment, a visible disgust on his otherwise tense face. With a deep sigh, he turned his back on it and started to leave. However, he felt the urge to issue one more warning. For his own benefit and pleasure. [b]T[/b]he dais cracked and splintered even further, ambers danced from his body and scarf until fire began to rise from his lax arms, clothing, and hair. [color=#005200][b] “T[/b]hree months. Give my family three months without intervention. Let Giichi soak this in. That’s all I ask for.”[/color] Slowly, his flames died down and the steam that raised from the heat colliding against the rain ceased and he leaped away into the leaf’s busy streets and buildings. [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Q8w7Daw.png[/img] [h3][color=red]Daiki Naito[/color][/h3] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGD_NzLnIHU]Predator[/url][/center] [hr] The action was quick, if not wholly decisive. His clone gave the medic a powerful kick to the side before she could touch Daiki, his Sharingan swirling inside as he summoned Anemone. The chakra radiating in her hand was enough for him to believe danger was certain. He looked up to see Chen approaching and knew then that he’d cripple this boy just as badly as Nobu if he interfered. He had irked his nerves earlier and now … well now he was just intolerable. Daiki made an invisible line for the youth, one that if he crossed it, he would be attacked mercilessly. [b]F[/b]or whatever reason, enraging thoughts just continued to pool from his mind, fueling his rage. Saburo’s words, Yamato’s declarative curse … His Uchiha heritage and by default legacy. But why had it dug into him so deep? And how long had he held this back, this predator of rage and wrath? It must had been too long, because he was having trouble establishing prey from innocent. Daiki grabbed his head with a single hand. A harmless breath left him as he attempted to reined himself in. Soon, haggard breaths escaped him. The rage was bucking back, ripping from his grasp. [color=red][i][b] “C[/b]’on calm down,”[/i][/color] he growled between gritted teeth. He stumbled onto his feet, off Nobunaga, and backed up from the others. [b]T[/b]he clone glared at the girl without remorse, standing between the pair and Daiki. [color=red][b] “I[/b]nterfere again and you die. Let him decide what he wants to do.”[/color] The clone’s crimson eyes staid on the pair, his blade pointed towards Chen. Daiki finally spoke up after several long seconds. Turning his back on them all abruptly. [color=red][b] “G[/b]et the fuck out of here,”[/color] he said frantically, softly. His face was contorted by his furrowed brows and quivering lips to anyone in front of him. Which was very few. Yamato, Ayame, Fujitora, and Tsukiko. Before they could leave, Daiki’s clone popped out of existence, along with his sword. His hands fell into his pockets out of necessity as he waited for the continuation. When he looked over to the side, he caught the shadow of man leaping off towards the village.