[hider=opinions] [b]Nargesh "Tall Shadow" gra-Gonhamph, Shadow of Death:[/b] [indent]Runt respects, perhaps even likes (in some orcish way) the half ogre. Whether it was the fact that the halfie was also female and proof that Runt need not hide or feel ashamed of her gender-breaking occupation, or that Nargesh was truly gifted in swordsmanship, even she is not sure. Nargesh's personality, although with a noticeably lower intellect than Runt's, meshes nicely with her own views. They could probably get wasted together and not kill each other. Probably, maybe, hopefully.[/indent] [b]Half-Face:[/b] [indent]While Runt wouldn't necessarily think of the orc as a coward, neither would she find his wiliness appealing. Still, it's possible she was one of his many eyes and ears for the warband she commands. "Civil" terms, though not friendly.[/indent] [b]Dakgu Elf-Scalper, the Wargkeeper:[/b] [indent]Though his physical deformity and speech issue is off-putting, Runt can't deny Dakgu's usefulness for the group. Still, he's better than a lot of the other men in the company, and she doesn't mind his presence when he's not out scouting at least. [/indent] [b]Grolan:[/b] [indent]Runt could probably relate to Grolan's experiences, if the two ever had a discussion about it. Which...probably hasn't happened. But in theory, she could empathize.[/indent] [b]Einark No-Tusk, the Bloodghost:[/b] [indent]Einark seems to avoid her, in some that would spark curiosity. In Runt it seems to encourage instigation. She has jumped to the worst conclusions - that he too judges her for either fighting as a woman, or for her non-orcish blood. She has taken joy in pushing his buttons, waiting for him to spew his thoughts aloud and give her a reason to lash out. All in good fun, of course.[/indent] [b]Quartermaster-Chief Kavu Brokentusk:[/b] [indent]Kavu's interest in innovation or new ideas should be a boon to Runt and the occasional idea/smart thinking she offers. She has cautiously approached Kavu in the past with her thoughts on matters, since he seemed to keep writings on various battle topics.[/indent] [b]Xozu Ten-Braid:[/b] [indent][/indent] [b]Rassmata 'Fireblood' Trolno:[/b] [indent][/indent] [b]Bel-Gond the Metal Wall:[/b] [indent][/indent] [b]Apothecary Ungoth the Fleshweaver:[/b] [indent][/indent] [/hider] Still working on these, but posting it with what I've sketched out for now.