[center][color=mediumslateblue]Shouken Washi[/color] [img]http://i61.tinypic.com/2880lv.jpg[/img] [h2][color=mediumslateblue]"The Oasis"[/color][/h2][/center] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ [color=darkkhaki]"So you want to learn my techniques? You think you have what it takes to master these arts? It is extremely rigorous training and might have a few...conditions..."[/color]. The older man ran his right hand through his greasy black hair while keeping his left in his pocket. He was addressing Shouken who had already explained his story of the Hokage's assassination. In return, Shouken gave a nod and gave the older man a determined gaze. Kumo revealed a sinister smile and spat out, [color=darkkhaki]"Alright then..My shift ends in about an hour. We will start then. Meet behind the shop here. You can reach it from the rooftops."[/color] Shouken nodded once more and proceeded out the door to go waste an hour. Which in his mind was a blessing, seeing how he didn't get a smoke break the whole journey to the Sand. He'd have plenty of time to do his business then nap it off until ready to train. ~~ The ninja awoke to the sound his alarm he had set to ring a few minutes before Kumo's shift ended. He cracked his neck and stretched his muscles before descending into the abandoned back lot of Kumo's store. It was a little space, only about a 30 by 30 meter area. Shouken dropped in gracefully, taking a knee and dropping one fist to the ground upon reaching it. His head raised as he looked around for Kumo. There was a few near the fencing and a light hanging on the back door that illuminated the whole field. Shouken stood to his feet and checked the time. [color=mediumslateblue][i]9:00 pm...Kumo's never la....[/i][/color] Shouken's train of thought ended as his new trainer made himself visible. Atop a rather large spider, Kumo was sitting criss cross with his hands in contact forming some sort of hand seal. Even though it was one Shouken had not recognised and was curious to find out what this was about. [color=darkkhaki]"Shouken Washi! You will train under I and I alone. No one shall know of what goes on here....Is that understood?!"[/color] Kumo's voice was thunderous, causing birds to leave there nest in the fresh night. Shouken nodded once more while Kumo continued.. [color=darkkhaki]"Now that we're clear on that, to complete the first step in your training you must first journey to the Land of Webs and confront Hakeisha. He will then decide whether you have what it takes to be a Sage of the Spiders."[/color] Kumo's tone evened out until he was back down a normal voice. His tone was not the problem however...[i]The land of webs? What even is that place? I cant recall it in any of my readings...[/i] Wasting no time, Kumo prepared his technique. [color=darkkhaki]"Spider Gate Summoning!"[/color] His voice boomed once more as he leapt off the spider's back. While executing a front-flip, his spider drew a huge scroll and laid it out before Shouken. It's design was that of a web but had a tribal look too it as did most scrolls. While Kumo descended he charged up a purple chakra in his right hand and connected with the center of the web pattern, releasing a black void that was only a few feet infront of Shouken. After the technique was through, Kumo stood opposed of Shouken with a blank expression. [color=darkkhaki]"You remember that condition I was talking about?"[/color] Shouken nodded. [color=darkkhaki]"Well, here it is. If you fail to meet the Spider Lord's requirements, you will never see this realm again. You will be banished to the Eternal Prison. But fear not, Washi, for I believe you possess the power to do so."[/color] A second passed and Shouken could feel a presence behind him. Before he could swing around fast enough a voice spoke up. [color=darkkhaki]"Don't disappoint me..."[/color] It was a clone of Kumo behind him and With an aggressive shove, he pushed Shouken into the abyss unknowing of where he was going or how he was supposed to convince this Spider Lord. But it needed to be done and that was enough reason for Shouken to succeed. As he fell, thoughts of Konoha and his father ran through his head as he recalled passed events with his friends and lessons from his father. He would not fail... ~~ The young ninja found himself within a completely dark cave. There was a great breeze which lead Shouken to believe he was in the right place. He only stood for a second trying to decide whether to speak or remain silent, but before he could think any further, a great beam of light shot up from the ground and stretched to the ceiling. It illuminated the entire cavern revealing it to be the den of the Spider Lord. Shouken first noticed the webbing design of the marble appearing floor, then shifted his stare to that of the Spider Lord himself, Hakeisha. The massive spider stood in relevant height to that of Gamabunta or maybe even taller. His back six legs were huddled against his body while his front two sat on the armrest of his golden throne. His pitch black skin was covered by shiny silver armor that plate his legs, torso and back. Hakeisha also had two massive Roman style swords crossed on his back. There was a long silence which consisted of Shouken only glaring at Hakeisha in awe. Hakeisha muttered out some complaints before addressing Shouken.. [color=gray]"Ahhhh....You are Shouken Washi, correct? Kumo informed me of your arrival."[/color] He rose from his sitting position to a standing one to tower over Shouken. The ninja stood his ground, questioning whether it was his bravery or fear... He had never seen a beast so intimidating before... [color=gray]"I am Hakeisha and I will decide whether or not you will become a Spider Sage or not."[/color] Hakeisha turned, almost instantaneously, to face his throne. Shouken was unsure of what was going on and remained silent. After a few seconds, Shouken noticed the Hakeisha forming chakra in the tips of his legs. It was identical to that of Kumo's purple chakra but was indeed insanely more powerful. [color=gray]"Now Shouken, you will be trialed in a unique way, for no trial is ever the same...Some are extremely difficult physically while others can mentally destroy your brain. No matter the case, you must show me you have what it takes."[/color] Worry ran over Shouken as he now had second thoughts about the decision he made. He was just an average ninja with an average mind and an average jutsu set. He was considering throwing in the towel but before he could put it to action, Hakeisha opened a portal infront of himself. It appeared exactly like Kumo's however much larger. Shouken knew there was no turning back and proceeded underneath the Spider Lord. As he was walking Hakeisha said one last thing. [color=gray]"Your trial is to [i]survive[/i]..."[/color] Shouken looked up and thought to himself. [color=mediumslateblue][i]Well that tells me a lot...[/i][/color] He reached the portal and looked down into it, getting the same feeling he got when he first looked into Kumo's. [color=mediumslateblue][i]Oh boy...[/i][/color] Shouken fell into the portal to find himself seconds later back in the same cave as before, yet no draft. Few torches lit up the cave and Shouken came to the realization that this was not the same room. This one was enclosed...