The man smiles at Meryn and helps her get people out of the chimney. The man has jet black hair and intelligent looking green eyes. A playful smirk stays plastered onto his face, like he has a funny joke that he's thinking about telling someone. He has a tall and lanky build and his ribs poke out from his clothing- which seems to be made of potato sacks. He also has a nasty looking scar on his chin- perhaps he had gotten it in a fight? Suddenly, the man leans over to Meryn and whispers quietly yet rapidly into her ear, [hider=A secret for Meryn] Meryn, I thought it would be best if one of you knew this. I figured it would be best to tell you seeing as you aren't going to tell anyone else without thinking about it. The Alchemist brought you here. This was no mistake. I am his apprentice, Diego. Something terrible is happening. This is a different reality, a different layer of a cake. But something in this layer of the cake threatens to cause the whole cake to be smashed. There is a prophecy, but if too many know about the prophecy and want to change it, it can change. But prophecies only change for the worse. I'm sorry I can't explain further, but please, listen quickly, before others hear. One will drown One will swim One will rule One will kill One will talk One will listen One will die One will dance Darkness falls and ruins all All is sure to end Without darkness's friend Make the snake eat the fruit Make the Sheppard kill the lamb Make the duck fly Lick the bell. Please. [/hider] Diego looked at her and shrugged. "Trust me, doesn't make much sense to me either. Reveal the information to them only if absolutely necessary," he whispers, as he hoists the soot covered princess from the chimney. However, he says these last few words loud and late enough for Ian to hear them.