noticing the girl, Nova wondered if she should start a conversation with the girl.[b][color=ec008c] "remember first impressions are everything, we want to make friends, not start a fight, that's why were here"[/color][/b] Nova said in her head. Nova noticed the chair next to her was empty, so moving one chair after the other and sitting down next to the girl. Nova at first didn't do anything, she didn't want to alarm the girl at first, holding her breathe in and out, she spoke for the first time since coming to this school. [color=ec008c]"so i wonder when the hell we'll get out of here" [/color]she said smiling. [b][color=ec008c]"did i say that one right, was that a good opening"[/color][/b] Nova said inside her head. [@Melodia Alluna]