[center] [img]http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/826e7ceb-a923-40d5-9e36-3c41acac2321.jpg[/img] Tala Stiles 21 years old He is an omega werewolf and moved away from America after breaking ties with his pack over an intense argument. He was bitten as a child and always resented the fact that he was turned into a werewolf, so he feels jealous of normal humans and wishes he still was one. He doesn't hate other werewolves, or even other supernatural creatures, Tala only loathes his former pack and the werewolf who bit him. He moved to Italy for a fresh start once he saved (and stole) enough money to live on his own. He currently works at an amusement park in what he considers "the most boring job" as a rollercoaster operator, and he stands in the heat all day wishing he could be having fun riding the rides instead. His job was where he met his co-worker Adrien Szetella. Once Tala heard that Adrien was an orphan living in a shelter, his story made Tala remember how he wished he could have had help when he first lived on his own, so he gave Adrien an offer to be roommates. They don't always get along because, according to Adrien, Tala is an "annoying obnoxious roommate" who constantly plays loud music that bleeds through the walls of his room, leaves trash all over the aparment, always eat Adrien's food, and takes his things without asking or replacing them. But Adrien could never bring himself to seriously complain because Tala is being generous allowing him to room with him, even covering some of the payments Adrien missed. Therefore, Tala is under the impression that Adrien is a "real chill dude" that doesn't have a problem with his behavior and is only joking when he acts annoyed. [/center]