"Trust me, doesn't make much sense to me either. Reveal the information to them only if absolutely necessary." Ian had just set foot an an uncomfortable roof. The man seemed friendly and so did the woman. The words that the man said bothered Ian a bit though. He would have to ask questions later though, after they were away from this mess. Ian used the inside of his shirt to wipe the black soot off of his face. He would have to take a shower or bath, whatever they did, later on. Ian began to help the two get people out of the chimney. Apparently there was a long line that followed after him. The Queen was helped by the man. Ian reached his hand down as far as he could, waiting for the next person to grab it. [i][color=f26522]That girl knows something, and I will ask her what she knows later.[/color][/i] While Ian didn't often let things get to him, he knew he was in an extremely real situation. Foreign land, foreign people. It sure as hell was nothing like Ireland. He wasn't even sure if all of these people would stick together. He did know that the decision would be made once everyone gets into the woods. He was curious to find out if these rivers had a village of some sort. Of course, with most of everyone's apparel, they would be lucky if they didn't get seized by guards and thrown into a dungeon.