"Ain't those the bunnies what paid us to crack this place?" asked Ugore, gesturing at the human formations maneuvering in the distance. "Aye," growled Half-Face, leaning against the crumbling parapet, "So they are." "Seems a funny way of fighting a war," said Ugore. "Pinkskins have a knack for scheming themselves stupid," said Half-Face, taking a swig from a dented hip-flask. Black orcish liquor seeped between the exposed fangs of his scarred face, dripping into his furs. "They ain't angling for a siege, neither. They'll try to storm us." "More of 'em than us by my eye," said Ugore, "Lots more." Half-Face shrugged, "We got the ground. And anyway, we've got our orders straight from the Eye Drinker. We're holding this place, so I want the Tally-Man and Nailtooth's pikes formed up proper at the gateway. Bazgu and One Ear can cover the breach in the western wall. The pinkskins come in, they're comin' in to a wall of pikes. Jagath's swords and bows will be on the walls, so good luck to the stupid pinks what try to come in by ladders, but I want you to hold your tuskers back, keep 'em by the stables, 'case things get sticky up here you can rush 'em in and throw the bunnies back down." "And you?" "I'll have my best orcs out of the fightin, keepin' an eye on the breach and the gateway- those're our weakest spots. I'll send 'em in if things go sour. I asked Jagath to lend us Tall Shadow for to help us there, but who knows if his royal majesty will condescend to donate the bitch to us." "Conde-what?" Half-Face snorted, "Just get your tuskers where I want 'em, make sure the other lads have their boys ready for some ugly work." "Where're you goin?" The commander gave his underling an appraising glare, the right side of his face snarling, the left fixed in it's permanent, ravaged sneer. Ugore took a step back, "I just meant-" "To consult the witch," growled Half Face, "Then to talk to the Warlord about the Elf-Scalper and his warg-tuskers. I got somethin' ugly in mind."