[center][color=lightblue][h3][b]Now[/b] Oakridge Campus - WARG Administration Office 11:26 AM[/h3][/color][/center] [indent][i]"Would graduates Olivia Celestine, Kade Sicario, Rui Liu, Elvira Ravenwood, Alabaster Zabek, Aaron Nyles, Scout and Eric Wormwood please make their way to the Special Warfare and Reconnaissance Group Administration Office for registration and processing? Repeat, would graduates Olivia Celestine, Kade Sicario..."[/i][/indent] The click of dress shoes echoed sharply through the empty halls as the monotone voice droned on through the speakers sprinkled throughout the ceiling. Eric straightened the tie he wore and adjusted the clip holding it to his shirt. Today was a very special day indeed. Registering for a WARG wasn't something any Guardian would experience often. The cash flow and job security were a plus, but then again which job in the world had you put your life on the line 24/7 to fight against these monsters that you weren't even sure could be killed or not? It was something to think about. The call had gone out an hour ago, and had been repeating itself at ten minute intervals ever since. Eric noted, with some interest, that the voice was not automated, and that there was probably some poor sap sitting in a room somewhere mindlessly droning away into a microphone for the announcements. It amused him, not greatly, but enough to elicit a small smile as he adjusted his attire on his way to the aforementioned administration office. It wasn't far, just about a fifteen minute walk from the dorm sphere he and the rest of his friends were housed in. However the process of registration was to commence just before lunch, and as much as he delighted in the promise of hot food and good company, this took precedence. So, unfortunately, Eric went hungry in favour of being early. He'd satisfy his cravings for pasta and soup later. Dressed to impress, Eric had worn his usual regalia of a suit jacket, crisp white shirt, waistcoat and tie, along with slacks and dress shoes, all in a very regal navy blue. His weapon hung from his waist, the rapier seated snugly in its gilded sheath as he pressed onward. School rules had dictated that Guardians were to wear their armaments on them at all times, in case of emergencies, and the discipline and regimentation of their training had only enforced that. That same training had also enhanced his sense of punctuality, and as such he noted, with mild satisfaction, that he was the first one there, strolling to a stop right in front of the office. Though one to always be punctual, it was never like him to do something this important without his friends, and so he waited, leaned up against a railing as he quietly read from a little pocket book he had. The school was quiet. Just as quiet as it had been not a few hours ago, when he'd just woken up. The events were quite clear in his head. [center][color=lightblue][h3][b]Four hours ago...[/b] Oakridge Campus - Dormitories 7:05 AM[/h3][/color][/center] Eric awoke to the sound of a door knock. His head spun as he forced himself to sit upright, groaning in discomfort from the events of the night before. [color=lightblue]"Bloody hell, the next time I let Olivia talk me into going clubbing I'm going to politely refuse. This is not the sort of thing I like..."[/color] Grumbling mostly to himself he stretched and got out of bed, groggy and wobbly. His head still pounded with the feverish, noisy music of the clubs they'd been in. Granted, he'd also been too smashed off his rocker to care, but now that he had complete control of all his faculties he was beginning to regret every single decision he'd made last night. Especially downing that double shot of Cetran Brandy. Especially that. As he poured himself a glass of water, he heard Kade and Alabaster just next door. Staying one room away from the mostly angsty young man, it made listening in to conversations quite easy, and as he leaned against the wall, he heard them talking. Not much, though. Just Kade knocking on the door, asking if Al were in, and Al opening said door and offering his room. Not much else in the way of gossip or anything else, so he downed his water with a dose of headache meds and threw on a shirt and pants. Then he slipped on some flip flops, attire hardly befitting his normally formal appearance, and walked outside. He saw Kade to his right and gave her a little wave as he walked outside, leaning against the railing as he gazed out into the central garden, light streaming in through the windows above. [color=lightblue]"Morning Kade. Up early, I see."[/color] Then, upon seeing Al also standing in the doorway, he quickly responded. [color=lightblue]"Oh, Al, good morning. Don't mind me, just needing some fresh air. If you want to talk to Kade in private just go ahead."[/color]