Over the next few minutes Jason started to have the horrible realization that this was not a dream. Everyone else was far too fleshed out, they were actual people, not just archetypes. He touched the sharp end of a sword and it hurt, you weren't supposed to be able to get hurt in dreams. Jason was only vaguely aware of what was going on around him, that everyone was exiting via climbing the chimney. He took some deep breaths to center himself and not lose his cool. He figured his best option would be to just stay safe and ride this out until....whatever it was the brought him here placed him back home. Moving himself to the chimney, he grabbed a sword and it's sheath off a dead body and moved it to his waist. In his martial arts classes they used a Bo Staff and Nunchucks sometimes, but never swords. Still, Jason hoped the skills would carry over and he would, at the very least, be mediocre at swordplay. Jason was one of the last people up the chimney, grabbing someone's hand who was helping everyone out. "Thanks man, I'm Jason by the way, from Canada, you?" He figured he'd speak normally now that he knew this wasn't some strange dream. If they were going to get out of this, they'd at the very least have to get to know each other.