Paris phased through and sat at the front, waiting for the mission brief to be over. He had studied way too much on the Cruxi, that he practically new most of what was being said. He looked at Alyssa, he couldn't remember the last time they talked, it wasn't long ago, for sure... Paris has a crush on her, so he would go out of his way to talk to her. Yet he has been busy, he lost track of time. He still remembers back when he was a bit more of a passive, unknown mystery. Paris tends to keep a smile on himself everyday, yet when he's alone he turns that happiness into somber. Paris is lost, he's trying to find himself... he's angry that Alyssa, might become a liability, not in her capabilities on the battle-field, but because she might just be able to spike Paris, make him forget about whats going on. She had certainly already had her around her fingertips, even she didn't know it... Paris was struck, he hadn't felt this way in a very, very long time. Paris realized how many Cruxi he could stun at the same time. His thoughts were scattered. Paris felt he should give a pep talk before they go out to battle.