[hider=Sarani!] Name: Sarani (Sah-Rahn-Ee) Redmane Age: 28 Gender: Female Class: Rogue Religion: Kalen Appearence: Sarani's face is quite smooth, features wise. She has a patch of freckles going over the bridge of her nose, and a light scar trailing in three spots up the right side of her face. Her right eye is partially white, due to the injury that also caused the scars. Her body is petite, but well built for sprinting quickly, manuevering and just general acrobatics. Her skin would be quite pasty and pale, with charcoal black hair standing out, heading down to her hips. Her eyes are a dark shade of Forest Green. Her armor consists of Dark Leather Armor, A dark hood with a red outlining and a Cape to match. Brief Biography: [hider=Biography (Not as brief as expected)] Sarani came from a less than regal family in the provinces of Ensteer, on the border of the land, as far away from the 'Kingdom of Gods' as you could get. Her usual wear consisted of torn rags and paper bags as shoes, tied by horse maine they would cut and string before getting caught. Her nights, she would sleep in a taverns basement, if lucky and not caught, but if caught it would be the streets for her, as they believed prison would be too much of a comfortable experience, which was correct. Sarani, sick of her life as a beggar, decided it was time for change. she realised she could jsut take what she wanted and never ask. She could be a Theif! So in the dark of the night, she prepared to strike on a family, armed with her beggars clothing, and a shiv, she went to the back of the large, double storied house, Her eyes filled with hope of a better life as she watched the family all sitting around and eating a warm dinner together, she would quickly begin climbing to the second story, carefully and silently slipping open the window, and then hopping in, the door opening in front of her and-- Sarani stared down, silent as she walked through town, in the house behind her, a bloodied shiv, and a broken family. She changed after that night, and she needed to leave as she was quickly put on a warrant sign, she quickly snuck into a carriage, hiding beneath one of the seats, which quickly became packed with tourists trying to escape the crooked little village. Sarani had become quite a notorious theif, and she had gained quite a bit of money on her travels, which she blew on hot foods, ales and meads, and on male prostitutes. She had began losing her flare, So she again changed her ways, and became a Rogue, hearing news of a new plague in the world and a magical river, she would make her way to the Kingdom of Gods, expecting to find some companions for her new found quest. [/hider] Equipment: x1 Dark Leather Armor (Worn) x1 Cape and Hood (Black w/ red lining) x2 Steel Daggers (Decent Quality) Skills: Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Journeyman. Weaknesses: (Actual weaknesses? Not specific enough, Physical or Mental? I will list both) Physical: 1. Body 2. Cape 3. General Body Frame Mental: 1. Broken Families (Sadness/Anger) 2. Beggars (Regret, Sorrow) 3. Fat, Selfish Rich men. (Anger) Starting Gift: Pack of throwing knives (Strapped to hip) [/hider]