As soon as Ian felt another hand, he pulled with his strength. He lifted the man with ease and looked him over. No facial hair, odd eye color, and black hair. "Thanks man, I'm Jason by the way, from Canada, you?" He seemed like a rather nice fella. But if Ian was taught one thing from his own father, it was that first impressions aren't always everlasting. This is the only lesson that made Ian cautious around others. [color=f26522]"Ian, from Ireland..."[/color] Ian knew his voice gave it away, but he felt a little comfortable to state where he was from. There were a few people that were on this roof that he wanted to learn about. In Ian's mind, the woman and the man that whispers too loudly were priorities. He would have to find a good time to confront them as to what they were talking about earlier. Either the woman or the man, maybe even both could have some information to get out of this peculiar land. While Ian always wondered what the time period was like, he was not comfortable with sticking around forever. All he could do was be prepared. If this land were to be where he finished out the rest of his life, it would be that way. For now though, Ian would have to survive.