Wylsen finally emerged from his apothecary shop, carrying a rather large crate of bottled and vials. Walking over to the group, his old features looked tired but happy. He had finished what he was trying to do and then some and felt good that he was going to be able to provide some more items that would help the group that had already helped his village so much. Strolling over to the back of the wagon he placed the craft down and took a long breath. “Alright, I have somethings for you all,” he said proudly as he began to lift up various potions that were labeled and could have been easily read for people to see what they were but he wanted to give them a quick rundown of everything anyways. First he held up a dark crimson set of potions, there were four total. “Alright, these were made from the blood of the hell hound. If placed on an item of clothing it will help resist fire damage; magical or natural in nature,” he said before lowering it and placing it safely back in the box. From there he continued as he showed various healing potions of different strengths, potions that would remove poison, ones that would rejuvenate the sense as if they had slept all night, and a couple of sight potions that would help people see in various situations. There was one other that seemed to be a bit ominous in nature but Wylsen assured them it was harmless. “Now, this one, is a last resort potion. If you come to a point where you get lost and have nowhere to turn, someone needs to drink this. It is a vision potion. It won’t hurt and it won’t make your path clear as day but it may give you a hint. Be warned though, the visions can be brutal, a real mind scramble and they tend to take the energy of the person who is having them and drain them nearly completely. So be prepared that whoever drinks this will most likely need to be tended to for several hours afterwards and sadly the rejuvenation potions don’t counter the fatigue,” he said before sliding it back into the craft and biding everyone farewell. He would have liked to see them off but he had been up over twenty-four hours at that point and barely made it back to the cot he had set up in the back of his shop before he passed out into a deep slumber. In the Inn, Ariana smiled at Hugh and gave him a big hug before she let him escape to leave. Sister Agnes bid him farewell and good luck before taking the little one by the hand and leading her over to the table where Sana had placed the packages down. Diverting the childs attention while the group left by opening the packages and having Ariana tell her about each item Sana had purchased for her. The inn keeper smiled at them as he walked by with several large satchels full as he headed for the front door. Looking around he waved over to the group as they were preparing to leave, scurrying over to them as quickly as he could. “Just a moment,” he called out before tossing the bags into the back of the wagon. “You’ll need these,” he said as he slapped one of the bags. “We have water skins full, meats, fruits, cheeses, breads, everything a group such as yourselves will need to keep up your strength on the road ahead. Compliments of the village for everything you have already done for us. Safe travels and I promise a feast when you return!” he said happily as he walked around to each member and shook their hand, a grateful smile on his features before he scurried back into the Inn to help take care of the people that were there. Sana shook the mans hand and then glanced at the rest of the group, about to suggest they go ahead and leave but was cut off as a woman came out of the general store with one of her clerks carrying several brown paper wrapped packages. “Some blankets, fire starters and other odds and ends you all may need. Thank you so much for what you have done,” the woman said as her clerk loaded up the wagon. It was another few minutes before everything was arranged in the wagon and the rest of the group was readied to go. Sana sat there on Epona silent, not really wanting to speak to everyone that was coming by. “Maybe we should have headed out under the cover of darkness,” she whispered to Fiona, her words may have seemed cold but at least there was some lilt to her voice that showed she was in a more chipper mood than she had been in when she exited the inn earlier. Once the entire group was together, either on their own steeds or loaded up into the wagon, Sana glanced around and nodded. “Alright, need one volunteer who has their own steed and is an accomplished rider to go with me ahead a few miles to scout ahead to make sure the path stays safe and to provide warning if need be. We will stay ahead until dusk starts setting in and then find a camp site for the group and wait for you all. Any takers?”