[center][color=lime]Long ago there were six kingdoms, who for a time lived in harmony. Each who ruled over these lands had over come many hardships before they came to rule and this made them stronger. But, not only did their good deeds make them loved through out the kingdoms, it made them hated by those who loathed good and lived in the darkness of evil. For, these kingdoms had killed off many evils, such as witches and dark fairies. This put fear into the remaining evils, causing them to scatter and hide away. And yet, though evil hid away within the shadows of forests, it refused to die. For in the woods, lived a Wicked Witch. A witch whom was tired of living in the darkness and wished to claim those kingdoms as her own. And, what better way to start than by cutting the kingdoms down at the roots. So, the Witch created a creature. This creature was a terrifying shadow that lurked in the darkest corners of the kingdoms, waiting to strike. And it wasn't long before it did. One by one, the rulers of these kingdoms would discover the horror that their children, the heirs to their kingdom, were gone. The children went missing without a trace, taken by this evil creature. And worse, the good creatures who the rulers always went to for answers, the three fairies, the trolls, and the Fairy God Mother, and all the rest had somehow lost their magic and were of no help. Though the Witch had ordered the creature to bring the infants to her so she could kill them, the creature was not compliant, for this creature had developed a mind of its own and had formulated a plan within his head to rid himself of these kingdoms and shroud the land in darkness. The creature knew these rulers were strong, and knew that losing the heir alone would not bring the kingdoms to their knees. Yet, those heirs turned against their kingdoms could very well do just that. And so, he let the children live, merely abandoning them in different places within the woods. Years pass, and each child grew, knowing nothing of their past, nor of who they truly were. It is this very fact that they don't know who they are though, that leaves them with this urge of wanting to know where they came from and where they belong. And when this sparks curiosity enough for the creature, now known as Hostis, he sends shadows creatures he calls the Umbras to the heirs. These shadow creatures take the form of animals and find each of the heirs, giving them a letter with white words, written on black parchment. The letter is simple, reading that those who come to Hostis will be granted a wish. This leads the unknown princes and princess on a journey together to find out what makes good and evil and if what they wish for is really what they want. So, take a journey with them and head INTO THE WOODS.[/color] [hider=Information You Must Know] [u][b]Information you MUST know[/b][/u] These kingdoms in the rp are all the kingdoms in Disney movies. Not all kingdoms will be in the rp though. We can discuss over PM what kingdoms will be included in the roleplay. The Umbras- These are shadow like creatures created by Hostis. They can come in whatever shape they wish to be but often stick to one form. They were made to look innocent and appealing enough that the heirs will follow, which is why they will likely take the animal that would be the heir's favorite, to gain their trust. Whether these creature are truely evil or just following order of their master is un-known, but like every being, can form a mind of its own and stray from the path made for it. Hostis Humani Generis(or just Hostis as he is known in the beginning of the rp)- This is the creature the Wicked Witch created. Being that he was created through the dark magic of the Witch, he has dark magic of his own, and using it, was able to place a curse over the land, making it so all 'good' creatures, such as the fairies and trolls, lost all their magic abilities and were unable to find the young heirs. This caused an ultimate divide between the creatures of the land, causing a segregation of the magical creatures. Those who retained their powers were called 'evil' by those who didn't and were shunned, some even killed, by the non-magic wielders. Even to present day, if a creature has magical powers, they are shunned and could be very well harmed by the humans of the land, causing fear and panic on both sides(the magic wielders fearing the human's judgement and humans fearing the magic wielder's spells). Hostis dwells in the deepest part of the forest, within a great tree called Ecalus. This is where the heirs must go to find him. The child of Elsa(preferably son since if it was a daughter it would seem like a repeat of frozen completely) and the Son of Rapunzel- Now this is a very touchy topic I know must won't agree with because these are favored characters and whatever is done with them will either be hated or loved. I have decided that though Hostis took away the magic wielded by the fairies and trolls, the healing powers Rapunzel's child might have(if we choose for him to have healing powers like his mother had had before her hair was cut) will remain. The same will be for if the person who plays Elsa's son wishes to give him ice powers like Elsa. Here is my reasoning. I feel that there is a difference between gifts and powers given to an individual and magic. One can do multiple things with magic. The possibilities are unlimited. Where as the powers the children of Rapunzel and Elsa would have would be singular, limited to just healing and ice. Also, one could say that while 'good magic' was taken by the curse over the land, we have no idea what caused Elsa's powers, or the powers that came from the flower of healing. For all we know, it could be a curse that caused these powers and thus a curse cannot over ride another curse. So, for the sake of the rp, we shall say the powers they have were cause by a spell or curse and leave it at that. The Kingdom's Today- After the children began vanishing one by one, the kingdoms tried to protect their heirs as best they could, but could not stop them from disappearing until all kingdoms had lost their heirs. This caused suspicions and tension between the once peaceful kingdoms, and while war has yet to break out between the kingdoms, it seems as though war is just a thin line or insult away.[/hider] [hider=Rules] [u][b]Rules[/b][/u] 1. Okay, so for the last few group rps I have done people didn't really get what I meant when I checked the 'advanced' box and the rp fell through rather quickly. So I'm going to write out my definition for it that you must follow. You MUST write 3+ paragraphs per character per post, have little grammar and spelling errors, and can move the plot along without cliches. I can understand errors here or there. I'm not evil or a writing nazi, but I expect capable writers that can move the story forward. I will be checking your writing in other rps and if I don't like what I see I will not accept you. 2. Going along with rule #1. DO NOT POST YOUR CHARACTER SHEET HERE YET. What I need from you, so I can check and approve characters before people post and crowd up the CS section with characters that won't be used, is that you send me your character, along with a writing sample for a post (can be one you write on the spot or one from a past rp), in conversations. If you post on here without confirming with me first I will not accept you into the rp at all because you did not follow instructions. (if you are confused about his rule, please pm me and I will be more than happy to explain in better terms for you to understand ^_^). Also, there is no reserving characters. If you want a character you better send your CS in ASAP, other wise it might get taken. This is first come first serve. You cant just message me and say you are interested in a character, I have to see a CS and example post before that character is yours. 3. Be civil. Don't start fights. And don't join in them. You will be kicked from the rp for drama if you do. 4. You may play up to three characters BUT if you have two characters than they must be of opposite gender. Meaning one boy and one girl. When you get up to three you of course would have two characters of the same gender and one of the other. Just trying to keep genders here eve. 5. THIS IS A ROMANCE RP! Let me just go ahead and say it, that while there will be other elements in the rp, such as suspense, betrayal, maybe even some shock factors, romance will be a key factor in the rp. This on the other hand does not give you reason to fight over the male characters or have 5 girls all surrounding one guy. Nope. The rp will not last long like that, so keep that in mind. Also, because of this being highly romance the genders must stay even in the rp so that no body is left out. If you absolutely do have a character you want your character to be wit, fine. PM them and discuss it with them. Totally okay with that as long as you both let me know what is going on so that I can help avoid drama within the rp. 6. The ages of the characters in this rp will range from 17-21. This means, if you are 17 you would have been a new born when you were taken. If you are 21 you would have been four years old when you were taken. You can pretty much go from there if you are in between those ages how old you were when you were taken as well. Remember, none of you have memory of your life in the castles! Perhaps a few faint things such as certain sounds or images, but nothing solid that can make your character suddenly realize 'i'm the prince/princess!' without actually being told or discovering something crucial. 7. If I have any more rules I will add them here. [/hider] [hider=Available Characters] [u][b]Characters[/b][/u] (thinking of one ore character to add. Perhaps a sibling or something of the sort or another disney type character. if you have a suggestion, let me know) The Child of Snow White- The Child of Cinderella- [color=pink][b]The Daughter of Sleeping Beauty- AHeartlessNobody[/b][/color] The Child of Belle- [color=DarkViolet][b]Son of Rapunzel- AHeartlessNobody[/b][/color] The Child of Elsa- The Child of Anna- The Child of the Fairy Godmother- [color=lime][b]The Daughter of the Witch- AHeartlessNobody[/b][/color] [/hider] [hider=Character Skeletons] Name: Age: Species: (Human, Fairy, or Witch) Child of (your parent) Which Shadow Creature Came to You: (what animal form is it in?) What is Your Wish: Voice: (Use a video. This should be what your character sounds like) Theme Song: (Just for fun :3) Pendant: (each child will have some symbol of their country/parents. for instance, my character (daughter of sleeping beauty) has a necklace that is a rose. the pendant has to be something that can be carried on their person and that they had when they were stolen as a infant/toddler. examples are necklaces, bracelets, ect) Biography: Appearance: (pictures only. preferably real life [hate to choose between anime and real life but it'd be weird for some people to have one and others to have another, so I have to limit it to real life]) Other: [/hider][/center]