[quote=@Kitsune] Yuudai was being so kind and generous to pay attention to Cole and give him a bite of her food, those were the thoughts she was distracted with as Cole decided to take it on himself to devour the entire box! The oni was shocked at first but soon gained a none too pleased look on her face, biting the food off the fork before hopping up to stand on Cole's bike. [color=ed145b][b]"Oi, oi. That wasn't very nice." [/b][/color]A devilish grin crossed her lips as she stared down to Cole, her arms crossing under her chest as she was standing on his weak spot, such a nice guy to go to the other side and leave it unprotected~ [color=ed145b][b]"Maybe I should just turn your bike into scrap and sell it as compensation? I am sure I could afford at least two more orders if I did." [/b][/color]Yuudai was confident she could scrap with Cole and win, if he kept to a straight up brawl, but since they were out in public and her sister was here the oni instead decided to live up to her name and threaten to turn his motorcycle into a rubix cube. [/quote] Cole noticed the shock in Yuudai's eyes and grew a small grin knowing she would get angry by the act, then something happened that Cole didn't expect, the Oni jumped up onto his motorcycle's side car, then threatened to turn the bike into scrap metal, along with the side car, Cole gave Yuudai a stare and grinned."[color=Steelblue] You can break my bike, but two things will happen, one it will just force me to carry Reiko onto my back everywhere we go and that's no problem with me, two it may actually make me show you how my blood really works.[/color]" Cole threatened the Oni. While he spoke he took off his coat and set it onto a near by parking meter, revealing his slate grey combat sweater, he cracked his gloved knuckles and stared the Oni in the eye."[color=steelblue] And I can tell that you want to go after I've eaten your food. So if your feeling froggy then jump, if you beat me here on the street, then I'll buy you another meal when I see you again.[/color]" He played on the Oni's stomach having a feeling that he knew that she would accept the challenge and he would honor the deal if she was willing to honor it as well. As the white haired man waited for an answer he sized the Oni up and took a moment to guess how he would do against the Oni since they were out in the open he felt that she would hold back or at least not show her power in public, the good thing for Cole was that his power wasn't something that would be too much seen and he didn't need to hold back like she would, unless he shape shifted into another person or brandished a weapon he felt that he would be fine in this fight, then again there was also Reiko, she could try to stop the two from getting into a fight or something might happen and she could get hurt, so he would have to watch over her if Yuudai took the fight too far.