[b]Hank[/b] Hank wasn't sure what to think of Mithias and Bedivere going at each other, Or more of Mithias attacking and Bedivere doing... his thing. Hank figured that the matter was personal so he would let Mithias duke it out. If for some reason Mithias started to have trouble Hank could always go over to the guy across the room who decided to carry himself a fifty caliber pistol on vacation. Wasn't loaded with anything special but the stopping power should still get peoples attention if it came to it. [b]South[/b] North was acting strange, happy strange. "Okay who picked us up? I'm so interested." North asked her to go check for herself. "You love to mess with my head don't you?" She walked up to the cockpit to find Niner. "You.. you're alive..." Before the pilot could speak she was met with a hug from south. One of the few people south gave a damn for. [b]Theta[/b] Theta started checking vitals across Carolina. "[color=92278f]Vitals are stable, though medical attention is requested ASAP. I am scattering a few cracked ribs and fractures, should be easy fixes but not in the field.[/color]" Theta was looking around the ship. "[color=92278f]Where's John?[/color]" [b]Tony[/b] [i]Oklahoma Police headquarters[/i] Tony sat handcuffed to a chair in the police station. He was arrested after not only robbing a Hospital security guard, but also resisting arrest for hundreds of miles. The officer walked up to him. "[color=0072bc]So, our first word of you starts a few days ago back here in Oklahoma city? and then half way across the country, then back here. You want to explain that?[/color]" Tony had to improvise, explaining that he was trying to save his vary dangerous vampire friend in Oklahoma city was not going to work out well for him. "Well you see..." He was cut off. "[color=0072bc]Could you also explain Hank Miller? Who was thought to have died ten years ago in Brittan? You both were in the same unit in the Marine Corpse right? And if I remember you had a decent conversation with a vampire who matches Hanks description.[/color]" Tony was silent for a moment. "Well... it's hard to explain." The officer got close up to Tony's face. "[color=0072bc]Explain.[/color]" Tony sighed. "I am an undercover agent for the United states Navy. Hank Miller was a member of my old unit, and he didn't die ten years, he was turned." The officer was about to speak. "Let me finish, you wanted me to talk let me." The officer went silent. "Navel intelligence knew that Hank was turned by a powerful vampire known as Mithias, who was believed to have contact with other vampires of interest. Though several have died during the war several didn't. My job was to get close to Hank again and get the location of some of these vampires so that they could be wiped out. Any questions? No? Well good, now I have to hope my C.O. wont have both our heads for this." Tony raised his hands to show the cuffs. "Now do you mind? I have work to do."