Diego turned to Jason and reached out a hand for him to shake, "I'm Diego Lumumba Vasquesa Lorenzo Montana Respendal Leniendo the Third, but please, just call me Diego," he said. "I come from... erm... Australia..." he said, as if he wasn't quite convinced that's where he actually came from. ***** Suddenly a man popped out from the edge of the woods. He was holding several... paper grocery bags? He seemed so out of place. He was wearing jeans and black shirt proclaiming he was a fan of The Who. He had earbuds in and scruffy gray hair. He nodded at Meryn, like she was an old friend of his and he was simply acknowledging her presence. "Hey Meryn," he said in a voice loud enough for both her and Habb to hear easily. "I'm the Alchemist. You can call me Nick. Diego told you didn't he? I knew he would. Anyways, take this stuff. You could all use a change of clothes. I don't know why, but sometimes people end up in their underwear. Weird, eh? Also, before you ask, the dresses are necessary for the women, at least until you go swimming... well some of you anyways," he put down the grocery bags- there was nine of them, each with a different person's name written on it in sharpie marker. The males all had simple clothes, but the women were given fancy dresses. "I didn't get anything for Marzipan," he said, "there wasn't enough time." "Gotta scram. See you around Meryn. Good luck!" said Nick, waving to the rest of the group and then running off into the woods. Suddenly, there was a flash of dark green light and he was gone.