That had been a close encounter, but somehow they'd managed to make it out of there without anyone being seriously hurt. Ethan almost wanted to laugh over the whole ordeal, feeling foolish for trying to do it alone and relieved that everyone had gotten away. Even the man attacking them was alive, a welcome sight given that Cecil had proposed killing anyone who might attack them just earlier in the day. "Good way of seeing it, Cecil... But still, thank you. I really appreciate it." Nothing worse than unnecessary loss of life, even if they were fighting with someone. You could win a battle without having to take someone's life away, and a small part of him hoped that maybe, after losing, that man wouldn't come for them again. It was probably wishful thinking, but perhaps by showing they didn't desire to kill him, and they weren't bad people, he wouldn't bother attacking again. It was odd to see Amuné so tired as well, though he was positive she'd not used any magic during that fight. In fact, he hadn't seen her use any magic since they met. Was she even a Magi? It didn't much matter to Ethan whether she was or not, he just simply wasn't sure one way or another on the matter. "Glad you're okay too, Amuné..." he answered back, smiling as he flashed her a thumbs up and smile. She'd even been attacked and yet got out safe, save for the one small scratch she had on her arm from the ice shards. That would be easy enough to fix, and there should be a healer in the next town who could patch her right up. Looking back to the young girl as she spoke something struck Ethan as unusual, and it wasn't that an 8 year old was lecturing him. She was telling him to be more careful, obviously in reference to the man who had attacked them, but then this wasn't the first time she'd said that was it? "Hey... Earlier, you were yelling at me to get away... Why?" Did she just have a bad feeling about that man? Sure, he wasn't the friendliest looking of sorts, yet he couldn't just ignore someone because they didn't come across as the nicest of folks. Sometimes you could get a pleasant surprise, goodness knows he'd met some people on his trip that he'd been happy to find were great company. Before he could get a response out of Amuné, Cecil started to speak up about being low on energy, or getting tired. Hard to say with a Machina, but it just sounded like he was getting exhausted. Nodding to himself Ethan gave his friend a pat on the shoulder, smiling as he pointed up ahead, "The town should be just up over that hill... I think. Just stop at the base of it, then I'll carry you for a change, alright?" He was getting carried an awful lot by Cecil it seemed, it was only fair he give the other boy a chance to take a load off. It wasn't like a Machina was going to be all that heavy anyways, right?