Name: Glinda Worowitz Age: 35 Patron Dragon: Grunik, Gold Dragon Personality: Glinda Worowitz is as haughty as haughty can be, but hides a deeply charitable and mercantile heart deep within her. Glinda places a very serious focus on properly rationing her resources. Glinda is not wont to do anything for no good reason, or at least not for proper payment. History: Considering how both her father and mother were bankers, it's a wonder Glinda isn't wholly focused on finances all the time. Thanks to her parents' encouragement and wealth, Glinda managed to find an excellent college, which she graduated from with a degree in business management and art design. Likes: Haggling, good causes, art, Nickelback Dislikes: Appeals to force, injustice, poor taste, bad deals, salad greens Powers: [b]Mercantilize[/b]: Glinda is capable of expending an amount of valuable resources to enchant any item she can hold with a variety of effects. Generally, the more esoteric and widespread the effect, the more money needed to enchant it. The enchantment can be anything Glinda thinks of, but she prefers not to intrude on others' domains with her enchantments. [b]Fair Deal[/b]: Glinda is also capable of making magical contracts with anyone she pleases. The effects of the contract are immediate, but must be agreed upon by both parties. In a pinch, Glinda can force a contract on someone without their consent, but must put a fairly obvious loophole in its contents that will, if used, immediately annul the contract in its entirety. The effects of the contract, much like Glinda's enchantment, vary wildly. [center][img][/img][/center]