[@pyroman] [hider=Meeeeeeep] The little gem's ears went down. [color=fafabe]"I know. Amber told me."[/color] Her tone was anything but monotone. It was practically dripping with guilt and regret, with a hint of self-loathing thrown in for good measure. Her gaze went back to her own feet, specifically to her left ankle, where her gemstone was located. Yellow green, slightly translucent, roughly shaped into an uneven, rounded hexagon. She seemed quite troubled by it; disgusted that it was still there but relieved at the same time, and perhaps disgusted that she felt relief as well. Silently she stared at the gemstone, before speaking one more, hesitantly putting a hand on Sodalite's leg in what was hopefully a comforting gesture, though her gaze remained fixed to her gemstone. [color=fafabe]"Everyone who was there did all the could to prevent her fate. I'm certain of it." [i]As it so happens, I wasn't there.[/i] "You needn't not blame yourself for what happened. You did all you could." [i]I didn't do anything.[/i] "You never did anything wrong." [i]That's apparently my job.[/i] "Not now, not then." [/color] [/hider]