With class over, Amy released a gentle sigh of relief and grabbed her things, heading out of the room with a casual "[color=0054a6]See you guys later! Have a good day![/color]" Her pleasant remark delivered, she twirled both knifes into their sheathes and stretched out, yawning softly as she did so. Just because she was good at waking up early didn't mean she enjoyed it, and she was looking forward to taking a nap after her training. On that note, she left the classroom and hauled ass to a secluded area she'd noticed earlier, a wooded grove not too far from the main area of the academy. Here, she unsheathed her blades to begin training, and approached a tree. Its bark appeared sturdy, it had certainly grown well. Setting her hand on the tree, she ran her fingers along the rough surface for a moment until she found a spot she liked. Drawing one of her knives, she cut a thin trail down the bark to represent a vein, and did the same on several other spots to represent the vital arteries of the human body. She then stepped back, her knives sheathed, and drew a deep breath. Once more, her aura flared into being and she infused her muscles with energy once more and, in a flash, her blades were drawn. In the span of a few breaths, each "vein" had 3 slices along them, clean cuts, and if this tree were a human being it would have very little time to heal before dying, a few minutes at the most. With that done, she sighed and now sheathed her knives, moving to the center of the wooded grove so she could practice her preferred art. Squaring off against an imaginary "opponent", she slipped into a Kenpo stance. Fast blows were weaving in and around the foe's "guard", never daring to try and break through, complete with a few fast kicks to keep the opponent off balance. Since kicks translated speed into strength better than punches, they tended to be a good way for her to add stopping power to her style, and if nothing else tended to take the foe off guard. This "sparring" lasted awhile before she finally decided it was time to head back, covered in a light sweat. She gave a grin and walked back to school, glancing down at the packet she'd received in class, now covered in grass stains, and saw she was in room 2-C. It didn't take her long to arrive at 2-C, and she casually pushed her way in, just in time to hear someone speaking. Looking over, she saw it was a girl from class and Amy called out "[color=0054a6]Oh! Hitomi, right? I guess you'll be my room-mate. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.[/color]" She gave a smile and approached the girl, who was in their kitchen, but Amy heard the sounds of slurping as she approached. Was a third girl rooming with them, she wondered? However, when she walked into the room, she discovered she couldn't have been more wrong. Sitting down, eating some instant ramen, was none other than Sin'chi, their headmaster "[color=0054a6]E-e-ehhh?!?! Kouchou?! What are you doin-....Kouchou, are you our third roommate...well, I'll look forward to getting to know you better, along with Hitomi![/color]" Amy said all of this in one breath, in rapid succession, and was forced to stop and take a deep breath afterwards. It seemed her shock had her rambling on for a bit...that was embarassing.