Alright, if I don't mention you in this post, you are accepted. Please move your sheets to the character section. [@Satoshi Kyou] I will wait for you to finish your sheet. [@SilverDawn] alright, so are you going with that second deck that you posted? If so, it does need some edits, specifically, your 3 ofs. There don't seem to be many (if any) 3 ofs in the more Recent structure decks, which, given that the structure decks are a product, makes sense. If you include 3 copies of the best/most necessary cards in the deck, people would be less likely to buy 2 or 3 of the deck. If you include only 1-2 ofs, and maybe 1 kind of OK card at 3, the deck is more likely to sell 2-3 per person, since they are looking to build that deck, usually. Don't just think of these decks as decks, but also as products, just as Ko-fucking-nami would. (Fuck Konami) [@The Irish Tree] Why the synchros in a wind-up deck?