[center][h2][color=firebrick]Reiko[/color][/h2][/center] [h3][color=crimson]Not too far away from the pawn shop, sometime before the attack began...[/color][/h3] Reiko kept to the sidelines as she observed how Yuudai and Cole were interacting. To think that she, Asamiya Reiko, would've banded with types such as they was rather funny indeed, specially when she was considered to the family's read, suceeding Ginko when the elderly woman's inevitably comes to its end. But, that was not the kind of life she had in mind for herself and, all-in-all, Tsubaki would make for a better head, since she had that aura of confidence around her that made it next to impossible to ignore her demands. [color=firebrick]"Well, what happens, happens..."[/color] she said out loud, before turning to Yuudai and Cole [color=firebrick]"Cole, I think we should get a cab. I don't want to leave Yuudai behind"[/color] Reiko said as she finished her current cigarette, just to light yet another [color=firebrick]"Also, what do you say about we going out for a drink after talking with Chikage? I heard there's a nice place at the old industrial district."[/color] Then, she started to move up the main street in order to stop a passing cab, before she turned around to wait for them. However, what Reiko saw was that her two partners had once again returned to their default behavior, which was quite a burden, to say the least. She exhaled a plume of smoke and went back to them, delivering a swift dope slap at both [color=firebrick]"Now, if you're going to have another brawl, do so after we finish our job. What do you think I'm paying you to do, anyway?"[/color] she said ignoring the fact she didn't paid them at all, since their income came from the split rewards off their missions. [@Spriggs27][@Kitsune] [center][h2][color=deepskyblue]Eos[/color][/h2][/center] [h3][color=crimson]At the Dangeki pawn shop, during the attack...[/color][/h3] [color=deepskyblue]"I'll be there in a moment!"[/color] Eos said as Ikkime and Eleanor went back to the storefront holding a round of refreshments, she wasn't sure why, but the mere act of holding a service tray triggered a response from her emotional processor that could only be descrined as longing, almost to the point of melancholy. Eos took a few spare moments to reflect on this strange sensation, thinking that it was a good source of inspiration for new lyrics, though it wouldn't last long. A in a matter of seconds a great darkness took over the Dangeki pawn shop and soon enough Eos heard the sound shouts and then of something crashing into the wall. [color=deepskyblue]"What is it?"[/color] she asked as she came runing from the back, her casual dress vanishing in a cyan haze and in its place her battle outfit and drones being materialized. She took a oment to scan her surroundings before dashing straight into the darkness and saw that Ikkime and Kusagi were well, but Eleanor -or rather, Lilith- had been smased against the floor and right next to her... [color=deepskyblue]"You! How many times have I told you to leave you alone, you stalker?"[/color] Eos said, pointing her drones at the obvious culprit, which in this case was none other than Zane, though she couldn't proccess how he got control over the shadows in addition to his already sizeable arsenal. [@Crimson Raven][@AgentFallenSoul][@TheWindel] [center][h2][color=darkorchid]???[/color][/h2][/center] [h3][color=crimson]Somewhere above the rooftops of the Crimson Sky Sonomachi, indeterminate time...[/color][/h3] A [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/chasers-boundary-of-the-crimson-sky/images/e/ea/Tokisaki.Kurumi.full.1739299.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150829020135]girl[/url] dressed in a dark lolita style dress observed as Tsuyoshi and Susan exchanged pleasantries, from a safe distance. She was rather interested in both the boy's skittish nature and the Youkai's natural distrust of the fledgling Chaser [color=darkorchid]"Fufufu..."[/color] she chuckled upon herself, as she stepped out of the shadows waving her right hand to call for their attention. [color=darkorchid]"Oiii~ mister and miss over the nearby building! Can you help me please?"[/color] she shouted, loud enough that she was sure they heard her and made a a brief pause to catch her breath before continuing [color=darkorchid]"I came here searching for some vague information regarding a dangerous Youkai, but lost my way. Could it be possible that you know how to navigate these buildings? I'm but a mere country girl, so a city this large scares me."[/color] she said with a coy smile in her lips, and then falling silent as she waited to see how the two would react. [@GingerBoi123][@Eschatologist]