[hr][h1][i][color=dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong[/color] & [color=dimgray]Sam Clarke[/color].[/i][/h1][sub][@Spoopy Scary][/sub][hr] [i]“My God, this place is a mad house.”[/i] Lihua, too, saw the dead body falling from the sky - and it was [i]all too familiar[/i]. She shrugged it off, since it wasn't anything she hasn't seen before. She kept walking, with Baron and Agent Clarke by her side. Fortunately, they didn't run into anymore Fiends. They were either somewhere else, or they were dead. Both were fine with Lihua as long as she got some breathing room. "... And it's obvious that [i]someone[/i] here has a hand in it." She said. She felt like she was being [i]too[/i] obvious here, but it was worth saying. How else would the Fiends have snuck into the NEST HQ, completely undetected until the shots start firing? Where all reason would lead them to believe that the Fiends would be kicking down the door. "And... never mind. Just focus on the task at hand." Probably for the best that they get to this bridge when they come to it. [i]After I find Meifeng.[/i] Lihua thought to herself. [i]“It seems as though our target is coming to us.”[/i] Immediately, Lihua practically hopped over to the railing, and looked down - putting her shotgun up on the railing in case she needed it. She saw Khan's mist form descending, and aiming towards someone (Hopefully not a NEST Agent). Which meant they had to get downstairs immediately if they were going to confront her. Lihua had an idea... But, she doubted if Baron was going to like it. "Right, grab-" Lihua was saying, before she was cut off by the blast of a firearm [i]not too far away[/i] (I.E. too close for comfort). Time slowed down as Lihua whipped around with her mossberg in hand. All she saw was the blood splattering, and Agent Clarke going down with a blasted kneecap. With a muscular male Fiend armed with a pistol shotgun standing over him. On reflex, Lihua shot him in the chest with her moss berg, and he went down with a hole in his chest so large that she could stick her hand through. Lihua immediately knelt down, and put her hand on Clarke's chest. Who was groaning, and rolling around in pain. He was losing blood quickly - and she needed to help him now or else he would die. She put pressure on his knee, and got blood all over her hands (And it [i]definitely[/i] made her uncomfortable). She couldn't babysit him, she had to get Khan! She looked around, hoping that someone would conveniently come by and take Clarke off her hands. [i]That [/i]was when the chanting began. "Khan is dead!" [i]"Khan is dead!"[/i] [i][b]"KHAN IS DEAD!"[/b][/i] It went on and on, and Lihua's heart sank. The Fiends repeated it over and over again until it reached every part of the tower. What happened down there? A team of three NEST Agents quickly turned the corner, likely heading to the railing to look down. "Whoa, what happened here?!" One of the Agents asked, looking down at Clarke. "He's injured, he needs immediate attention." Lihua said, standing up. The three NEST Agents quickly put pressure on his injury, then dragged him off to the hospital. [i]I hope he's okay.[/i] Lihua thought to herself as she turned around, and looked at the ground floor. Khan's dead body, with some man standing over her, covered in armor. He sure as hell wasn't a NEST Agent, that's for sure. They needed to detain him soon as possible for questioning. Lihua suddenly grabbed onto Baron's arm, and yanked him towards her, giving him the sole warning of, "Hold on, we're taking the [i]express[/i] route." She raised her arm into the air, and slammed her fist down on the ground, and broke a large chunk of the floor off - leaving a hole exposed to the floor below - which floated in the air with her and Baron on top of it. She willed the concrete to move forward, then it began to descend. Fast as she could, so she could lock this room down before whoever the hell this armored man was could get away. Right when she was a few feet away from the ground floor, that's when her vision was [i]assaulted[/i] by the blinding lights of the flashbang. Again, it wasn't anything new, but still fucking hurt. She let out a gasp as her eyes closed at super sonic speeds, throwing her arm up in some attempt to guard her eyes. She had completely lost focus, and thus, the concrete slab she was standing on dropped to the ground with a thud. Fortunately, since it wasn't that high off the ground, it didn't end as badly as it could have. Though, the impact, [i]plus[/i] the flashbang, made her lose balance, and fall into the messy floor of the lobby. She threw her arms up to take most of the impact, but it hurt her already bloodied arms even worse. Far from her finest moment. The light faded, and Lihua raised her head. Her ears still ringing, and she was praying to God that it didn't leave any permanent damage. She pushed herself up, and looked around the room - the room was full of NEST Agents, and destruction. [i]"What the hell are you standing there for?!"[/i] Lihua hissed at them. She pointed down the hallway the armored man went. [i]"Go after him!"[/i] That was when she climbed up to her feet, and flicked her pained arms around a bit - splashing a bit of her blood around. She started walking towards Khan's beaten body. Lihua stood over her for a moment, looking down on this drugged mess of a woman. Before she knelt down, and peeled the gas mask off her face. Finally getting a good look at it. She wasn't the most attractive woman, but her facial features definitely told Lihua that she was Asian. Hmph. "Damn it." Lihua muttered, holding Khan's gas mask in hand. She let out a sigh of sheer frustration at the situation. "I needed [i]her[/i] alive more than anything." Khan was clearly just a puppet for a larger organization, a larger threat. A threat that they needed to eliminate soon as possible. The chaos around the NEST base was dying down as what little Fiends that were left were being dealt with. What was the purpose of this wind of destruction and death that left many people on both sides without their lives? Who was pulling the strings? And how can they bring an [i]end[/i] to it? Lihua was just standing there, somber. A shotgun in one hand. And the [i]face[/i] of a dead woman in the other. [hr][h1][i][color=green]Michelle Gallus[/color], Heartbreaker, Henry Olin vs. Big Dong.[/i][/h1][hr] [i]Christ, this guy doesn't give up![/i] Heartbreaker thought to herself as she heard the heavy footsteps of Big Dong right behind her. This guy was a waste of time, she needed to get to Khan and kill her soon as possible before the bitch escapes. Because, at this point, if she slips through their fingers, they won't be finding her again. Heartbreaker turned around a corner, and came face to face with two people she would rather not. "Freeze, hands in the air!" Michelle Gallus said, aiming her AA-12 at Heartbreaker. Immediately pegging her as an intruder the second she saw her. "This is a secure government facility, identify yourself!" Henry aimed his own firearm at her. "[i]Hey, hey, hey![/i]" Heartbreaker said, raising her hands in the air. Awkward smile on her face. The footsteps of Big Dong was getting louder and louder. She threw a thumb back behind her. Turning that awkward smile into a confident smirk. "Hey, I'll tell you this now, you should be more concerned about the mountain of anger coming around the corner at you." Seemingly on cue, Big Dong came to a skidding halt in full view of the two NEST Agents. AK in hand, and his skin still black. "Big Dong!" Michelle said, instead turning her weapons on the larger threat. "Freeze!" "... You and I both know those peashooters won't do anything to me." Big Dong snarled, slowly walking towards the two NEST Agents, before turning his walk into an all out charge. Screaming like a maniac. Heartbreaker took this time to slip in between them. She gave them the two finger salute, as she taunted "[i]Au Revoir, assholes![/i]" Before disappearing into the hallways. "Fuck!" Michelle hissed underneath her breath, getting ready for the assault. She knew that her weapons, or attacks, would have little effect on Big Dong. Agent Dragonfly stepped in front of Michelle, and took the blunt of Big Dong's charge. Grabbing onto his shoulders, and lowering his own center of gravity so that he was only pushed back a few feet. The two were engaged in a struggle - holding onto each other tightly. Michelle quickly circled around the two to try to get a clean shot at Big Dong. Before she could, Big Dong let go and pulled his fist back for a mighty uppercut that put Henry on his back. The lizardman landed with a thud. Michelle quickly dropped into her wrestling stance, and as Big Dong turned towards her, she drove forward in an explosion of energy, and wrapped her arms behind his legs, and pushed her shoulder into his body. She attempted to knock him off balance, catch him off guard, but Big Dong dropped his fist onto Michelle's back. Making him fall right onto the ground. He raised his foot, but she was quick enough to roll out of the way and the foot came down on the floor so hard that it left cracks. Henry had already gotten up onto his feet, and threw a punch at Big Dong - only for him to step out of way, and latch onto his scaly arm, and bring his own arm down on his hard. Before pushing it and delivering a series of punches towards Henry's body with hit with the force of cannonballs. Michelle quickly intervene and pushed Big Dong off of Henry, sliding him right into the wall in an explosion of concrete and dust. Michelle used all of her strength to keep him pinned up against the wall, and she reached behind her to detach a power suppressant collar to put on him. However, Big Dong used all of his strength to swing his arm outward with explosive force, which sent Michelle sliding backwards - trying to keep her balance - as the collar was dropped out of her hand. However, Big Dong followed it up with a haymaker, and Michelle threw her arm up to defend against it. The impact audibly broke bones, and Michelle let out a cry of pain. She kicked him away, and took a few steps back, and grasped her arm. Big Dong made sure to crush the collar. Running up, Henry tried to slap a collar on Big Dong while he was distracted, but he caught on and slapped the collar out of his hand, and punched him in the face so hard that his jaw deformed on impact. Henry was sent backwards sprawling a few feet. Which Big Dong intended to capitalize on, by running up on him and trying to beat him to death. With one haymaker to the chest, Big Dong sent Henry flying down the hallway. "[i]Henry![/i]" Michelle shouted. She started running towards Henry and Big Dong, with her intentions being to save Henry before he gets killed. Which served to be her undoing as Big Dong heard her coming, and whipped around. He punched her in the stomach, which made her gag, kneel forward, spitting out a cloud of saliva. He took a step towards her, and grabbed onto her arm with such a grip that it practically [i]crushed[/i] her arm. Michelle let out a cry of pain. He used his other arm to hold onto Michelle's shoulder. Then, he began pulling the two apart. Michelle let out one hell of a cry. Bone, muscle, and flesh, were being pulled apart. Creating a squishy cacophony of pain as it went on and on. Michelle was violently swinging her other arm out, trying to get Big Dong off of her. She tried to pull away, but that only made things worse. It wasn't long until her arm completely popped off, the few strands of flesh that was connecting it to her body were ripped off. Leaving nothing but a bloody hole. Big Dong held her arm in hand, while Michelle was gasping. That was all she could do. Gasp, and shake. She was staring at the wound, putting her hand to it. The shock was too much. Tears came running down her eyes, as the pain overwhelmed her. Tears soaked her face, and formed drop after drop as Michelle loudly screamed in pain. Big Dong cocked his fist back for a devastating punch - And Henry grabbed his arm, and held Big Dong there. Which was harder than it looked with his strength. Big Dong shot his other elbow back, and hit Henry in the chest, making him stumble backwards. Before Big Dong turned around and unleashed a hail of punches at Henry. Each blow caused one hell of an impact. With one uppercut, Henry was sent on his back, with Big Dong climbing on top of him. Unleashing a barrage of barbaric blows. Each punch sprayed more of his blood. Michelle, couldn't help but watch, she was just so in shock from what happened... She had to help him. Michelle used every bit of willpower to drag herself up, she limped towards him at a steady pace. Trying to go faster - she came to a stop when her raptorlike vision spotted something: the power suppressant collar that Henry had dropped. She knelt down, and picked it up. "Ooooooh, I got something for you...." Michelle said devilishly. She limped towards him, her vision was fading with every step. There was a chance this could fail, and she'd end up dead - but like hell if she's going to go down crying like a little bitch. She climbed towards him, and - [i]Jesus Christ, Henry was going to die at this rate[/i] - she stumbled for a second. The blood loss was getting to her. She was practically standing over Big Dong. He whipped around to hit her - but she had already put the collar around his neck. The strike turned into a practically harmless tickle as his body reverted back to it's soft flesh. It hit her in the side, and she stood there staring at him. Before she cocked her fist back, and punched Big Dong in the face so hard that it shattered every bone in the right side of his face, and sent him flying off Henry. Unconscious. Michelle was victorious. Standing over Henry - who was practically beaten to a bloody pulp. Blood was everywhere. She wondered if he would survive. NEST Agents came running down the hallway, and Michelle turned towards them - but grabbed her head. Everything just went dark for Michelle. Her legs were weak, and she dropped unconscious. [hr][h1][i]Heartbreaker.[/i][/h1][hr] ".... [i]Yuuuuuuuuup,[/i]" Heartbreaker said to herself as she watched Khan's demise from the safety of her sniper rifle. She had a vicious smirk on her face as the crosshairs on Khan. "Kill [i]confirmed.[/i]" Heartbreaker pulled back a bit, and laughed. Another job well done - and she didn't even have to do anything! All she had to do was call up some nutjob with a love of violence and bloodshed, and she let things work themselves out. Well, all Heartbreaker had to do was make sure Khan never leaves this building alive. Good, good. Part of her wanted to recruit the Wolfhound into the Changeling Unit... but she had enough screaming maniacs with her boss. So, she was going to quietly bid him the best of luck. Because this building is about to be crawling with pissed off NEST Agents sweeping it for any stray Fiends. Heartbreaker was going to make sure that she wasn't spotted - [i]Again[/i]. Slinging her rifle over her shoulder, Heartbreaker quickly whipped around and started running down the first hall she saw. Hopefully, she'll be able to get the hell out of here before they lock this place down. Heartbreaker turned a corner, and nearly crashed face first into someone that made her eyes go wide. Director Caryl. And two armed escorts. There was a moment of awkwardness as the two parties stared at each other for a few moments. Both Heartbreaker and the Director nodded at each other. Heartbreaker slid her hat downwards to cover her eyes, and began running down the opposite hallway, while Miranda kept walking as if she never saw Heartbreaker in the first place. Heartbreaker charged down the stairs until she reached the garage door, walked through it, and immediately made a turn when a squadron of NEST Agents were running into the building. Heartbreaker used the cars as cover as she kept running. The gates to the garage were wide open, those idiots! Heartbreaker slipped her way through the gates, and was out of the building. She was immediately assaulted by the rain. All that was left was the gate - which she ran up to and hopped like it was nothing. And boom! She was back in the streets of Verthaven. Though, she should probably get the hell away from here fast as possible. Heartbreaker ran into an alleyway, and pulled up the sewer grate, and climbed down - not even bothering to put it back up. There was no way they'd track her down here. Slowly and leisurely walking, Heartbreaker pulled out her phone, and sent that [i]special somebody[/i] a text: [u]I disposed of Khan.[/u] A few minutes later, her contact replied: [u]Good. Meet at our arranged meeting spot to get your reward. Dispose of this phone, and I'll do the same.[/u] With a grin, Heartbreaker threw her phone up in the air, and quickly pulled out her revolver and blew it to pieces. The gunshot left her deaf for a few seconds - but as it returned, she could hear herself laughing like a maniac. The reminds crunched underneath her foot as she moved towards the Ghost Town district.