[color=D6CC88][u][b]On the Road[/b][/u] Amuné bit her lip and looked away. She wasn't ready to share that particular bit of information. The girl was too frightened of what might happen if she did, especially after another Magi had tried to kill them. She'd thought all Magi were good people. Why would a Saint bless a bad person, after all. But now she wasn't so sure, and she worried that Ethan might be like the villagers of her home town and turn on her. She was saved having to answer by Cecil. It seemed that had been magic, for the Machina was tired, just like other Magi after casting. She hoped they could find whatever he took as fuel. Coal, maybe? But Ethan looked her way again, probably picking up the earlier line of conversation, and the child fumbled for an answer. "I-I just...he...he was bad," she stammered. The half-truth, half-dodge sounded lame even to her own ears, and she winced internally, hoping the Ydra wouldn't notice. She pressed her lips together, determined not to say any more about it no matter how he might try to get an answer. She didn't want to be left on her own again. She liked Ethan, and Cecil, and having people around. Two weeks alone had been terrible, and she'd never been so lonely in her life. For that matter, she hoped that Cecil would be okay. Did machines sleep? Would sleep make him better? He didn't eat, because he'd not had any breakfast. Or maybe he did, but like Wyth, where he didn't need to every day. And on the subject of getting better, she lifted a heavy hand to check her shoulder, wincing when she touched the sore area around the cut, but while it was bleeding, it was mostly superficial. If she could get it cleaned out, it wouldn't even scar, though a bandage wouldn't hurt.[/color]